The great irony in all of this is that we're talking about JWs' delivering a hailstone message in the future when the truth is that they are receiving one now. They are being pulverized by hailstones of all sizes. The internet unleashed the fury of the skies on JW Land. It is running desperately for cover... just trying to survive. The org is in survival mode now - trying to adapt and become more mainstream and relevant. It has sold out, showing its true nature/colors. It has jumped the shark. JWs at carts get hit by hailstones and they tuck their tails between their legs and leave in insecurity and cowardice; they run for cover from the hail. The org is being exposed and pulverized by hailstones in all types of media and even by governments.
There is no way JWdom could ever deliver a hailstone message. As I've mentioned several times lately, JWs are legends in their own minds. I swear I would face all nine (or however many there are now) members of the GB by myself in a public debate, but they would never agree to such. I've got a bag of hailstones to deliver right at them. Where is their god... on the privy? He won't protect them and show them to be right?
The JW preaching is not even a slight mist; much more so is it not and much more so never will it or can it be a hailstorm. What are they going to say?... "You better listen to us! You're going to die! We said back in 1879... oh, well, wait.. no... we said back in 1925... oh, well, wait, forget that... we said in the early 70's... oh, well, wait, uhmmm, no, not that.... I'll get back with you... I'm going to do some research."
P.S. Plus, the whole scenario just doesn't make sense. It's always been presented as a time of great tribulation when false religion has been exposed/abolished by governmental forces and the oh so pure and innocent JWs have been left alone. But JWdom is being exposed right now by governments. Why would JWs be free to deliver some kind of hailstone message during this supposed tribulation?
JWs can't face the challenges of preaching right now! How are they going to fare during some kind of worldwide tribulation? Nobody pays them any attention and for good reason; they're clueless, insignificant nobodies. How are they going to deliver this hailstone message during this supposed tribulation... point people to a corny, lame website? Give them a lame tract? The JW message is unclear now. What's going to happen to clear it up in the future? If, hypothetically, JWs are right, then there is extreme injustice in that they are not delivering a clear warning message now - giving people a fair chance now.