Hailstone message AND everyone will be saved? Questions

by slimboyfat 144 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mikejw

    I want everyone still physically in to comment at that Sundays Watchtower and say “ as the paragraph says a person’s eternal future does not depend on when he happens to die, so our unrighteous loved ones have the same chance of being in paradise with us if they are alive at Armageddon as all those who have died and the Bible promises will be reserected

    this does of course mean that there is no point telling them they haven’t got much time left as it makes no difference 🤣😭

  • Mikejw

    Up until this new light the belief was pretty much everyone who ever died would be resurrected unless they were really really bad?

    please correct me if I’m wrong but is that what everyone else remembers?

    now they are saying it’s the same if you died beforehand or are alive at Armageddon

  • notsurewheretogo

    No you are twisting it.

    OLD LIGHT: You must be a baptised JW and righteous to survive Big A, everyone else dies at Big A and all unrighteous who died prior to Big A (unless like Hitler etc) get resurrected.

    NEW LIGHT: All baptised JW's and righteous JW's survive Big A and some who may not be JW's but have a righteous heart may survive the Big A, all unrighteous who dies prior to Big A (unless like Hitler etc) get resurrected.

    The difference is now they say officially some may not be a baptised JW but have the right heart and pass through the Big A and hence not necessary to HAVE to die before the Big A to survive it.

    But the key criteria is Jehovah sees their righteous heart and that they would be a good subject.

    That does not mean billions pass through the Big A. They simply changed the criteria from having to be a baptised JW to one who Jehovah sees their heart as righteous.

  • slimboyfat

    The anticipation has always been that most who have died will be resurrected except certain cases like Pharaoh and the Pharisees.

    If the same standard is applied to those who are alive at Armageddon this would seem to imply that billions probably would survive.

    Presumably for them to survive the end of the thousand years they would need to convert and not follow Satan in the final rebellion, so billions could still end up being destroyed then.

    That would be remarkable if that is the new position. I think it needs clarification.

  • notsurewheretogo

    But it is clearly not as it makes the Big A pointless.

  • Mikejw

    The new light is clear.

    person’s eternal future does not depend on when he happens to die

    the same applies to all who have died in history as to those still alive at Armageddon

    Presumably for them to survive the end of the thousand years they would need to convert and not follow Satan in the final rebellion, so billions could still end up being destroyed then

    yes this is probably the point. Billions will survive Armageddon and even more billions will be resurrected, but the thousand years will decide who will get everlasting life.

    You know the interesting thing here we are having a far more meaningful and deep spiritual discussion than the average JDub🤣🤣

    I wonder how many are thinking deeply about this new light and studying the scriptures? I suspect most don’t even think about it and it went straight over their heads

  • Vidiot

    It’s funny…

    …back in the 2000s and 2010s, there were suggestions in the literature that even some dutiful JWs might not make it through.

    Looking back, that was when I first started asking myself “well, where TF’s the incentive to even be a JW, then?”

  • notsurewheretogo

    A persons eternal future depends on their heart condition...if they die before the Big A they are guaranteed a resurrection.

    If they are alive during the Big A they are reliant on the mercy of Jehoover and reading of their heart.

    This doesn't equate to billions passing through Armageddon.

    Not sure what you guys are smoking.

  • Listener

    They’ve made it clear that the righteous and the unrighteousness who die before the GT will get resurrected but they have not gone as far as saying that the righteous and unrighteousness will survive Armageddon. But they still say there is the judging of the sheep and goats at Armageddon.

    The gay guy, who they have previously pictured as being denied boarding on the plane at Armageddon because of his baggage (not his heart condition), is the same guy that would have been resurrected had he died before. He’s the one that they said would possibly be given 100 years to make over his mind.

  • Mikejw

    Notsure what you say there is not what the new light is. You are speaking as if there is a difference between those who died through history to those still alive at Armageddon. The new light is there is no difference

    The new light is clear.

    person’s eternal future does not depend on when he happens to die

    the same applies to all who have died in history as to those still alive at Armageddon

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