Hailstone message AND everyone will be saved? Questions

by slimboyfat 144 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mikejw

    Tonus the new light means if you are or are not JWlite or nothing to do with JWs you still have the same chance of being in paradise as all those unrighteous who died

  • Elmer

    1) notsurewheretogo- You are absolutely correct.

    2) Tonus- There are no “JW Lite” people. MikeJW is the same person as Elderberry, Elena, ExBethelitePIMA, and a few others.

    Conclusion- You are all being trolled!!

  • notsurewheretogo
    But you are not right because the new light says now you don’t have to wish your unrighteous loved ones die beforehand, if they are alive during Armageddon they will have the same chance as if they died before


    It DOES NOT mean EVERY person alive at the Big A survives. The "chance" is based on a righteous heart.

    Stop trolling.

    Understand the phrase "person’s eternal future does not depend on when he happens to die" in CONTEXT that the WT was referring to the desire of JW's wanting their family to die before Big A so they get a chance in the paradise. That is the context and the heart condition and Jehovah judging these ones at the Big A still applies!


  • slimboyfat

    As far as I know JWs don’t use the phrase “heart condition” any more. That’s old terminology. Where are you getting the idea that survival is based on “heart condition”? Is it in the latest statement and Watchtower and I missed it?

    What the statement said was that an unbeliever at Armageddon has the same chance as an unbeliever being resurrected. Since JWs have long believed that billions will be resurrected (the Reasoning book speculated that the earth could cope with and feed 20 billion) it is reasonable to wonder whether the recent statement really implies that billions will survive Armageddon. If that’s not what they meant, or if they backtrack, as it stands it is a reasonable inference from what they have said.

  • Mikejw

    Not sure is a troll and a JW apologist

    there is no mention of heart condition for years now

  • slimboyfat

    My mistake, I do find the phrase “heart condition” in recent Watchtowers.

    Does this Watchtower talk about heart condition of survivors? If so how does this reconcile with the statement that it makes no difference when a person dies to their chances of getting into the new system?

  • notsurewheretogo

    Here are the two paragraphs:

    14 At times, we hear someone say, “It would almost be better if my relative dies before the great tribulation begins so that there is hope for his resurrection.” There are surely kind motives behind such expressions. But a person’s eternal future does not depend on when he happens to die. Jehovah is the perfect Judge​—he renders just and righteous decisions. (Read Psalm 33:4, 5.) We can be confident that “the Judge of all the earth” will do what is right.​—Gen. 18:25.

    15 It is also reasonable to conclude that a person’s eternal future does not depend on where he happens to live. It is unthinkable that Jehovah would automatically label as “goats” millions of people who live in lands where they never had an opportunity to respond to the Kingdom message. (Matt. 25:46) The righteous Judge of all the earth cares even more about these individuals than we ever could. We do not know how Jehovah will maneuver events during the great tribulation. Perhaps some of these people will have an opportunity to learn about Jehovah, put faith in him, and take their stand on Jehovah’s side when he sanctifies himself before all nations.​—Ezek. 38:16.

  • notsurewheretogo

    NOTE the sentence: "we can be confident that “the Judge of all the earth” will do what is right"

    Jehovah JUDGES those at Big A and if those that are not baptised but are deemed to want to turn to JW have a chance to be saved but no-one can say for definite who.

    NOTE the context of the phrase "But a person’s eternal future does not depend on when he happens to die."? What precedes it is: "It would almost be better if my relative dies before the great tribulation begins so that there is hope for his resurrection. There are surely kind motives behind such expressions."

    The context of the phrase about "a person’s eternal future does not depend on when he happens to die" is about those wanting family members to die before the Big A (or those not heard their preaching work).

    NOW note the sentence on Jehovah being a judge...which occurs at the Big A!

    How on earth can you think when they say "But a person’s eternal future does not depend on when he happens to die." means EVERY person gets through the Big A without being judged is utterly preposterous.

    The article clearly says there is a judging...it is just they are not so dogmatic in that it will be JUST JW's that get through. Rather they are saying JW's and some non JWs who have a good heart or those who have a good heart who haven't heard the good news may get through.

    AND therefore JW dubs shouldn't wish that their family die before the Big A as Jehoover may still get them through IF they are judged worthy.

    It really isn't that hard to understand.

    Note the next paragraph:

    Through our study of the Bible, we have come to know just how much Jehovah values human life. He gave his Son’s life so that all of us may have the prospect of living forever. (John 3:16) We have all felt Jehovah’s tender affection. (Isa. 49:15) He knows each of us by name. In fact, he knows us so well as individuals that should we die, he can re-create every unique detail and restore every memory that makes us who we are! (Matt. 10:29-31) Surely, we have good reason to be confident that our loving heavenly Father will judge each individual in a perfectly balanced, righteous, and merciful way.​—Jas. 2:13.

    There is a still a judging of every person at the Big A and nothing has changed there! Most will perish according to their current doctrine, it is now just some not JW's get through based on Jehovah the perfect judge etc.

    The whole three paragraphs are trying to help JW dubs NOT wish their unbelieving family dead (or those not ever heard the preaching) now so they get through the Big A as the only previous way to get into paradise if not a JW was to die prior to the Big A.

    Now they don't and simply rely on Jehoover the judge and they are simply softening their previous very dogmatic stance.

  • Elmer

    Hey Slim- are you a little slow in the head?

  • Vanderhoven7

    All to conclude that Watchtower and the Faithful Slave are redundant to salvation and/or survival into the new system.

    How to shoot yourself in the foot!

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