In my congregation:
Brother Fortyyearoldvirgin: Lives at home with parents. They try to marry him off to any available single sister, just to get him the hell out of their house so they can enjoy their retirement alone. He felt he deserved a young, tan, beautiful, spiritual (in that order) sister who had never been married before. He applied homemade tanning lotion all year round, and received the nickname "Wood Grain." He asked me out, and when that didn't work, asked out my younger sister. Last I heard, he is still living at home unmarried.
Brother Poorandlonely: Showed up at our home, often at dinner time, because he only had 3 cans of soup at home and no one to share it with. Sincere and loving heart, but ignored because his clothes were not new and designer.
Sister Knowitallbossycow: Told everyone what to do and tried to put everyone in their place. Most people were frightened of her. She gossipped about everyone to everyone. About a year before I left, I finally had enough and told her off in front of everyone in the Kingdom Hall after a meeting. The only ones heard talking were me and her. She left me alone after that.
Little Sisterholierthanthou: Daughter of Brother and Sister Formermissionarieswhosefartsdon'tstink. Baptised at 11 coz she's so much better than the rest of us who were baptised at 13. Gives dissertations during the WT study, and writes a thesis instead of a 5 minute talk. Isn't she so spiritual? Becomes Little Sisterhaughtyheadupherarse very quickly, and tries to reprove Sister Wantstokickherarse (me) even though she is 15 years younger. Held up as an example regardless of snotty attitude.
Sister Suffersabuse: Stays with abusive husband, who has been "talked to" by the elders and has lost some of his "privileges" but is still considered in good standing despite beating his wife. Congregation is told he has stepped aside as MS because of "health reasons." Sister Suffersabuse's 3 children have all left the "truth" because of the hypocrisy.