Why Was Adam Blocked From Tree of Life?

by AGuest 71 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • RevMalk

    Is 'aGuest' in all actuality Joseph Smith in the Spirit? Rev ---------- LambsRoar.org

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Why Was Adam Blocked From Tree of Life?

    Answer: Because it was the will and desire of GOD that he no longer continue in God's blessings of "the freedom of life everlasting."

    Further details are not available or provided!

    Only human speculation abounds........


  • Faraon
    So in conclusion, it is interesting to note that the default sex is female.

    Yes, I agree that the mess we are in is because of the females. Ever since Eve everything has been deirfault.

  • noko

    Hi Aguest,

    Okay, so now you've God Adam... knowing "bad"... Death... by means of knowing sickness and aging. He was DYING. Yet, the "leaves" of the Tree [of Life]... are for CURING... EVERY ailment... and every SIN... excluding blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. So, because if he (Adam) had gotten back to the Tree [of Life]... and ATE... he would again be withOUT sin... CLEANSED... and so... live... unless and until he ate... again.

    If the Tree of life are for curing every ailmet and every Sin except sin against the Holy Spirit then why did our Christ had to be come to mankind as one of us in the flesh? Why not just allowed the partaking of the Tree of life ages ago? Now if Adam was truely cleanse from every sin, blotted from all time, eating from the Tree, wouldn't that been more desirable for Jah? Vice allowing sin to grow? What purpose would allowing sin to develop serve in other words?

    May the joy from our Lord always fill you up completely, your brother Dave.

  • AGuest
    If the Tree of life are for curing every ailmet and every Sin except sin against the Holy Spirit then why did our Christ had to be come to mankind as one of us in the flesh?

    For one reason, because he had to become a "sacrifice" - his blood had to be poured out to "atone" for our sins. "For unless blood is poured out, no forgiveness takes place." But who would have "atoned" for Adam? Whose blood would have been poured out for HIM?

    Hebrews 9:12, 16, 17, 22; Genesis 8:20, 21; Matthew 26:28

    Second, Adam's sin is quite different from ours... first, in that it was willful... and not as a result of the weakness of his flesh... for his flesh CONTAINED no weakness. HIS flesh... was perfect... remember? WithOUT sin in it... for sin had not yet "entered" the world. But... he proved that his SPIRIT could sin. That is why he is the direct OPPOSITE of my Lord:

    Christ = Imperfect body; perfect spirit

    Adam = Perfect body, imperfect spirit

    The other reason is that Adam did in fact "blaspheme" the Holy Spirit... for he tried to FOOL that Spirit! How so? Rather than CONFESS his error and seek God's mercy... he (1) tried to hide... and (2) blame others: God... and even Eve.

    Acts 19:18; James 5:16; John 1:8-10; Acts 5:1, 2; John 3:20; Genesis 3:8; Luke 18:9-14

    Once Adam sinned... his perfect body was "enslaved" in a long garment of skin... with its blood... and thus became IMperfect... so that NOW... he was imperfect in body AND spirit! And we... bear his image: sin in our bodies AND our spirits. Holy spirit... "the bath that cleanses"... washes away BOTH: that of the spirit NOW... so that we can approach God through Christ... and that of the body LATER, when we put OFF corruption (death and decay; mortality) and put ON... INcorruption (immortality).

    So, who would be a sacrifice for Adam? Whose flesh would atone for that which he lost? He would not now suffice, and there was no one but he and Eve... and she, too, had sinned, so she couldn't do it, either. My Lord? But he was the "Tree" from which Adam WAS eating and was now blocked from getting back to. And... he (my Lord)... Shiloh... had not yet been offered, had not yet agreed to give himself... and had not yet come AS a "propitiatory"... or covering... sacrifice. It was, in fact, due to Adam that he even NEEDED to, for Adam... by means of his actions, had made a TRADE: his life (and that of his offspring's) in exchange for being "like God"... knowing GOOD (God)... and BAD (Death). Death now "owned" Adam... and his offspring. With HIS blood... my Lord... has "repurchased"... or "bought" us back!

    But let's say my Lord had come for Adam. So might say, "Well, then, Adam would have been cleansed and we would have been spared the resultant misery." Perhaps. OR... Adam would have came to the conclusion that the "serpent" WAS right... that he did NOT die... and therefore, what was to stop him from doing WHATEVER he wanted now... at WHATEVER price? Are we certain Adam would not have disobeyed... again... over some issue put in his face? Either way, was it not God's RIGHT to choose to stick with the "reaction" to Adam's "action"?

    Why not just allowed the partaking of the Tree of life ages ago?

    Partaking of the Tree has been allowed... indeed, since "ages ago". Even Moses and Israel partook of it.

    Hebrews 11:24, 26; 1 Corinthians 10:1-5, 16, 17; John 6:48-51; Matthew 26:26

    It is those who do not KNOW about the Tree... or who have not yet partaken of it... who are invited to "Come!"

    John 6:51-58

    Now if Adam was truely cleanse from every sin, blotted from all time, eating from the Tree, wouldn't that been more desirable for Jah?

    I think that would truly depend on the kind of man that ADAM was. I ask you to consider, dear Noko, that now Adam... who wishes to be "like God"... now also lives forever. He risked his own life and that of his offspring's for such a position. And now, by means of living forever... what else would he risk? What else would he cast aside the goodwill of for his own "delight"? Are you sure we should want such a man living forever? I do not judge him - to his Father and mine... he will stand or fall. But I understand the need to protect mankind from him... from his ambition.

    For the "serpent" did not say to him, "Go ahead and eat and live forever." Adam did not say, "I want to eat because I want to live forever." The "serpent" SAID that when he ate, his eyes were bound to be opened and he would be LIKE GOD. And so, Adam ate... not to live forever, per se, but to be LIKE GOD. What would have stopped him, then, from thinking that HE... WAS... "like God"... and therefore should be WORSHIPPED "like God"? Is that not the very thing that the one who misled him desires?

    Vice allowing sin to grow? What purpose would allowing sin to develop serve in other words?

    The very purpose of letting us know that although magnificent... although awesome... although wonderful... we are STILL... not God. There is STILL One "higher" than we are... and it took sin... and the Law's manifestation of it... to help us "see" that. For that was the very purpose OF the Law: to make sin... manifest.

    Why? So that when we go around looking at our neighbor and pointing our finger at HIM... we would know that we are no better. For if you transgress ONE Law... you transgress them ALL. The Law was designed to show US... you and me... OUR sins... rather than our "neighbors." It was designed to show ME... that if I did such and such... I was transgressing... against you (or someone else). It was designed to show YOU... that if I (or someone else) DID transgress against you... and you would know it by means of the Law... then YOU... were under LAW... to forgive me.

    How do we know THAT? Because my Lord... FULFILLED the Law: although he transgressed NONE... broke not ONE Law... he also JUDGED... NO ONE... according to it. Rather... he FREELY FORGAVE any of those who transgressed the Law... and sought his forgiveness... as well as those who did not seek it. Why? Because... LOVE... is the Law's FULFILLMENT. Since all have sinned... and fall short... ALL... have transgressed. But my Lord did what the Law required him to do: love his neighbor AS himself... and "all things" that he wanted men to do to HIM... he did... to them. He knew that if HE had sinned... he would have wanted to be forgiven. Therefore... he forgave. Readily. Speedily. Without delay.

    And that is the "lesson" he came here to teach us. May we have ears... to hear.

    I bid you the GREATEST of love and peace, dear Noko... and pray that the "gift" of my Father's spirit that is FAITH... granted you by my Lord... will continue upon you... to time indefinite.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • noko

    Thank you AGuest for your very eloquent response, I do admit I don't see as well as you but I make up for it with strong faith in the things I don't see. Also I want to attest that I also saw the gargoyle looking creatures in a second vision which I had, this happend some time ago, but I proved to be false, I immediately judge the appearance and had no consideration of the heart of these fabulous heavenly creatures. I was immediately expelled from that realm as you would know would happen, it wasn't until I read your witnessing that I realized where I truely failed and really fell short of the mark. Since then I've havn't had any more visions but our Lord never left me and has been feeding me better then I deserve. So cheer up AGuest, you have definitily been a good Servant of our Lord to me and I thank our God Jah and his Son and you for the love that you have and I ask forgiveness for my many short comings and a pure heart for the glory of our God Jah and his Son. Peace forever be with you.

  • AGuest

    what you have written here, dear Noko! Peace to you!

    Also I want to attest that I also saw the gargoyle looking creatures in a second vision which I had, this happend some time ago, but I proved to be false, I immediately judge the appearance and had no consideration of the heart of these fabulous heavenly creatures. I was immediately expelled from that realm as you would know would happen, it wasn't until I read your witnessing that I realized where I truely failed and really fell short of the mark.

    My dear one, you are not the only one for whom this has a occurred! Another, very dear to me as a brother, had the very same experience! I remember the first time I saw my Lord face to face: he flashed his face before my eyes... and I almost had a heart attack! My heart literally stopped! And, yet, at the very same moment... I KNEW who it was! I saw the color of his skin (a greenish/copperish color), but it was his eyes that blew me away! I TRIED to... well, "be strong" - LOLOLOLOLOL! But when he asked me if I wanted to see him again, I spoke the truth: "ummmm... not right now, Lord; I don't think I can handle that again, right now. Gimme a minute" (meaning, come back in, say, a couple months, if not later!) LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

    From that time on, he would "reveal" himself slowly... each time, showing me what he had shown me previously, and then a bit more, so that there were no surprises. Now... I can handle it. In fact, I have seem him... and them... spirit beings... body, face and wings... entirely. Front... and back. And they are... MAGNIFICENT! We, in our arrogance, thinking we are "attractive"... cannot hold a candle to them. True, many in this world would think them ugly... grotesque... because we have been taught to believe that such appearance is. But, I promise you... nothing could be further from the truth. Because it is what THEY are... on the INSIDE... that just makes what is on the outside SO... beautiful is the only way I can describe it. Somewhere here on this forum, I posted about it, I believe.

    Anyway, dear Noko... do not fret: he will return... in his due time. When my friend related his experience, he said that he had actually tried to push an angel (well, the being was more like a guard, or sentinel), who was standing between him and our Lord. He (my friend) wanted to get a closer look at my Lord... touch him... and the angel evidently was blocking his access. Now, this friend is a VERY confident man, so he tried to step around the being to get closer to our Lord, and when he did, it stepped forward. And when the angel stepped forward, he reached out as if to push it out of his way! He said the angel was about to get it on with him, when my Lord held his hand up and stopped him. After that, he (my friend) was removed from the "area" and he said he KNEW it was because he tried to do it his way. He then asked me how it was that I was always allowed to remain and I told him:

    When I am "taken"... and we "arrive"... I stand still. VERY still. I watch, look... and listen. I try my best to see everything I possibly can. And many times there is a LOT to see! But I almost NEVER speak... unless I am spoken to... or to ask maybe one or two questions. Early on, I didn't speak at all. Somehow, I knew I would see MORE... if I remained quiet and only watched. For I knew my Lord would show me everything he wanted me to see... that I didn't have to make any effort. And I have seen MANY things.

    Seen, as well as heard, as well as touched... as well smelled (let me tell you, even today I still smell the camp of Abraham and hear the goat bells... and cannot get the smell of the exodus from Egypt out of my nose. One of the FIRST things I noticed when taken there (my Lord took me there to show me the Shekenah, which he later used to show me Pentecost and the finale of the Spirit) was the smell - spices... oils... smoke... food... and the animals (goats, camels, oxen and donkeys)... and the people.... It was not... BAD... just STRONG. I cannot, however, remember having tasted anything yet... I think.

    It's funny, dear Noko: people think that the reason it is said that "no man can see God and live," is because He is so... "divine"... too, "holy" to look upon. But that is not it at all - JAH dwells in glorious light... to PROTECT us. When spirit beings appear before us a "able-bodied men"... it is because we truly could not handle it if they appeared "as [they] truly are." Because initially, we're just not that strong, I promise you. I wasn't!! And that's why Jeremiah kept fainting!

    As always, I bid you the GREATEST of love and peace, dear Noko!! May JAH bless... you and yours... to time indefinite!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • DannyBear

    Shell darling,

    This is one post that should have gone the way of PM's.

    This is the most 'out'landish to date. If I were you I would erase the whole revelation. This is not going to help get your message out.

    In fact imo you should erase this. If you have any relatives who want to 'put you away' you have just given them cause for consideration.

    I hope you accept this advice in the spirit of good will...........


  • noko
    When I am "taken"... and we "arrive"... I stand still. VERY still. I watch, look... and listen.

    Thanks for the very wise advice AGuest. I will do my best to be as humble as you in this matter vice trying to move around like I owned the place or something. My physical heart was racing and on the verge of utter collaspe when I was returned, I don't think I could have taken much more without dying which was truely reflecting how weak my spiritual heart was and in many ways still is. Much to learn I do have and much cleansing of heart yet to go. May Jehovah bless you many times over and crown you for the coming Kingdom my dear AGuest.

    DannyBear, these things are not hard to know, open up your heart and see for yourself. Do you really want to cover up the truth? I dare say, you won't be able to.

    Ahhhh, sister AGuest, you did witness another sacred secret, I wonder how many caught it? Jahovah is not bound by time. Peace be with you.

  • Realist

    Why Was Adam Blocked From Tree of Life?

    because mystical figuers are not allowed to disobey the commands of their mystical creators!

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