Adventures at the District Convention

by RunningMan 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • willyloman

    Reportedly, the inspired speaker for the "voice of a stranger" part in San Diego this summer was the infamous Floyd Kite, who rose to prominence in the pre-1975 years as one of the chief proponents of the significance of that "marked" year. Of course, after 1975 he was put out to pasture and more or less abandoned, along with that illegitimate child of a date, but when they needed fire and brimstone this summer, well, who ya gonna call?

  • LeslieV

    Thanks you so much for your play-by-play. It was funny and oh so true!!!! Love the way you write.


  • LeslieV

    Well Willy who you goin call?? Ghostbusters!!! But in this case I would say it was Satanbuster!!! Sounds like Satan has been one busy boy this year in JW la la land.


  • simplesally
    The speaker emphasized that JWs do not honor any people, unlike false religion. All honor goes to Jehovah. They then proceeded to parade the missionaries around the stage, while the crowd applauded for an extended period, the missionaries waved, and the speaker praised them. Now, correct me here, but isn’t this honoring people?

    TOO true!!!!!!

  • zugzfree

    That may have been the funniest thing that I have ever read in my entire life. I went to the District Convention on Friday and Saturday but couldn't stomach another day of it. Reading your post made me laugh so hard that I was literally crying!!! Just when I would get close to getting control of myself you would say something else that was just hilarious. I don't think I have ever laughed that hard without being intoxicated!! Thanks so much for this thread. This is definitely the thread of the year.



    the information department would be pleased to provide them with a map, clearly marking the location of all contribution boxes.

    Glad to see they have their priorities straight!!!! Next convention, maybe they could have Attendants lead people past the contribution boxes (single file) on their way to finding seats!!!!...dang their Annual Fund-Raisers!!!


  • Gozz
    Runningman: Sunday's public talk was entitled, "Who are Giving God Glory Today". Here is a brief summary of the contents: The universe is big. Evolutionists are some crazy bastards. God's name is Jehovah. Sell Watchtowers or die.

  • aunthill

    Ditto, sphere. this was so funny!


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