on an intellectual level yes, but i have a woman boss and i absolutely hate it. too many mind games, i'd rather have someone just tell me straight out, which i find would usually come from a man.
Men: Honest answers, please, to an honest question
by berylblue 87 Replies latest social current
I have learned over the years, that women are definitly better at some tasks than men and that women differ in their abilities. I learned the same thing about men. I don't think that differences in men and women or within each gender can be used to prove superiority over either gender or within the genders.
I was surprised a bit ago, by the comments from a group of women that work with my wife in the hospital nursing staff. The conversation got around to who makes a good manager. Without exception all of the women said, they prefer to work for a male manager.
They accused the female managers as being too bossy and demanding. The subject of gossip and back biting and vengence was put out as the primary problem.
Women? ya got ta love em, they put up with us clowns.
I was surprised a bit ago, by the comments from a group of women that work with my wife in the hospital nursing staff. The conversation got around to who makes a good manager. Without exception all of the women said, they prefer to work for a male manager.
I would have to agree. I have found female managers a pain in the a**.
I honestly wonder how many men -really- think women are their "equals". That concept, in my (admittedly not always so astute) observation, seems.to make so many men so very uncomfortable.
What I think is irrelevant. Women are equal to men. (And I do think them equal fyi)
But equal does not mean same. Men and Women are not the same.
We spend to much time trying to make things the same to call it equal.
>>> I honestly wonder how many men -really- think women are their "equals". I am just, as of late, really starting to think that some men honestly do feel that women are inferior creatures. -- berylblue
I'm just now seeing this...
When it comes to mental toughness and acuity, based on my experience many (most) women aren't my equal. Some are but most aren't. Most of the men I've met aren't either.
By NO means is this a brag but simply a sad commentary on what I see as most people's unwillingness to stretch their mental muscles and not be satisfied with parroting what they've "learned" from somebody else.
In terms of strength, I think most women are inferior to me.
Women and men are too different to say that they are equal...
Women are much better than men at certain things and visa versa.
If we had specific things to judge it would be easier to say. In most areas of business women are as good as men, except Sales.
Don't know why...just my experience.
I am just, as of late, really starting to think that some men honestly do feel that women are inferior creatures.
Most men will not admit to this. They'll say "I'm not pussywhipped", but when a beautiful woman says "jump", they keep jumping and ask when they should stop. Men are incredibly intimidated by women. Women get put on a pedestal and worshipped, just because they are beautiful. The beautiful woman can do no wrong in a man's eyes. Even if the woman treats the man like shit, she's still a perfect angel because of her looks.
Anyway, back to the question "are men and women equal?" I answer yes and no. Yes because they are both humans. No because men and women work differently. I don't see one being "weaker" than the other. Men are the logical creatures, and women are the emotional creatures. Men cannot carry a baby for 9 months (naturally), and women can.
In other words, men and women are DIFFERENT from each other.
Men are the logical creatures, and women are the emotional creatures.
Hi Nosferatu,
In many cases, you are correct. But this is not always the case.
My X will tell you that in our relationship, he was the emotional one. As a matter of fact, he is the most emotional man I have ever met. I always felt that I had to keep a cool head in the relationship (this is because he also had violent tendencies). I also had to watch the budget to keep him from over spending. I hope that my next relationship is a little more balanced.
where else does the media so vividly show females as equal
But it doesn't. American, British and Irish media constantly portray men as inferior to women, and it seems perfectly OK to do so. Men's sexual abilities are constantly belittled, male diseases such as baldness or impotence are the subject of ridicule, dramas and sitcoms show men as being utterly incapable of looking after themselves and the most hilarious thing ever seems to be a man getting kicked in the balls.
be wise:
Do I view women as equals? I think men and women are too different to be labelled equals. There are women that are stronger than men - phyically and mentally and men that are stronger than women in the same area's. I think if you have a problem with women having authority then you are just plain insecure. There would be some women that would do a poor job in authority just as much so as some men would be as well and vice versa. It depends on the individual I think!
Obviously there are individual differences, but just as men are generally physically stronger than women, do you think there may be general differences in other areas as well, cognitive abilities or business acumen for example?
Mr. Kim:
As far as work goes, and just about everything else, woman are equal to men and should have the same chances and opportunity that men do.
Should they then also be held to exactly the same standards as men?
I have learned over the years, that women are definitly better at some tasks than men and that women differ in their abilities. I learned the same thing about men. I don't think that differences in men and women or within each gender can be used to prove superiority over either gender or within the genders.
This is a good point. Do you think it's fair to say (as your wife's colleagues did) that there are some jobs better suited to one sex or the other? If so, is it unfair to consider this when hiring?
What I think is irrelevant. Women are equal to men. (And I do think them equal fyi)
But equal does not mean same. Men and Women are not the same.
In what sense are men and women equal, if they're not the same? Equal in value to society? Equal in overall abilities? Equally intelligent?
When it comes to mental toughness and acuity, based on my experience many (most) women aren't my equal. Some are but most aren't. Most of the men I've met aren't either.
Is this a statement about women, or just about you? You're obviously mentally superior to most people, men or women. But would you say there's a difference in the degree of your superiority?
I haven't read through this entire thread so I'm not sure if what I say will be a recapitulation of how other men responded. That being said...
I don't think it is fair or logical to ask the broad question, "Are men and women equal? Yes or no." It depends on what you mean by "equal" and what area of life we are talking about. Are they equal in terms of worth or moral value? That question will much depend on your metaphyscial outlook. As an agnostic, I am inclined to say that it would be impossible to objectively measure someone's worth since I have no standard to measure it by. By and large, I believe it is the ethical position to believe that all humans -- by and large -- are equal in value.
Now, down to particulars. Is it true that men generally perform better in areas such as mathematical logic and engineering? Yes, it is. It is also true that women seem to perform better at verbal skills and the social sciences. Is this "nature" or "nurture"? I think a little of both. Regardless, as I type this are the male sex "superior" in some areas and vice-versa? I think so.
But that is not an absolute position, nor does it comment on someone's moral worth. Generally speaking, men are stronger, larger and physically superior to women. But an olympic female athlete would absolutely destroy me in an athletic competition. So this is not absolutely true, but generally true.
Here's a good one: are women more emotional than men? And does this/could this affect their job performence? I'm going to leave that one for another time.