Funkyderik-- Is it FAIR to consider that one sex may be better suited to a job than the other??
I am not sure the word fair is correct. It is obvious that most women, could not be a concrete block mason and deal with 40 lb concrete blocks and wheel barrels with aprox. 100 lbs of concrete, to be wheeled up ramps to the second or third floors.
It would be INCORRECT to believe that either sex is not qualified by gender, to do any job.
Would it be fair to consider this when hiring a woman?
It would certainly be incorrect to consider this. Because at the point of hiring one, we do not know of their capableities and weaknesses. We find these things only after hiring them and through observation.
The exception to the last statement would be when it is obvious, as in the case of masonry work being done by a 120 lb womam that does not have a weight lifters body.