Were You Ever Put On Restrictions?

by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I've never heard of elders that would allow only those in good standing in their field service to give talks in the School.

  • integ
    I was put on Double Secret Probation once.

    What the hell is that?

  • Piph

    I haven't lost any priveleges (yet), but I almost did once...

    When I was pioneering, my pioneer buddies were a bunch of young teenage homeschooled guys. (I was the only girl, and in my early 20s) Service was great...listening to Adam Sandler and the Beastie Boys, checking out girls, telling dirty jokes, and swearing.

    Well when one of their parents went out of town, the group of them got together (there were six of them total) and raided their parents' beer. They all got drunk, and two of them went out drunk driving (lucky they didn't kill anyone or themselves; they were so wasted). The next day one of them told me the story and we laughed over it...

    One of them snitched, the elders went around visiting all of them, and one of them suggested that since I knew about it, I should come forward as having known about it but not telling. Here comes the guilt! I couldn't even sleep or eat. I told my dad, who said he was disappointed in me (after I prompted him to tell me so...I'm such a masochist) and he told the elders involved.

    They met with me and read that Leviticus scripture and said that since I knew but didn't tell I was a sharer in their sins. They thought long and hard about whether or not I should still pioneer and decided it was OK for me to keep pioneering, as long as I never did anything like that again. The rest of the boys were no longer allowed to pioneer, four of them were restricted, and two of them DF'd. Only one of the DF'd ones came back, but he's inactive now.

    I went into a depression after that, and have been struggling with depression ever since. It only occurred to me, like, last year, that how they treated me was wrong. Stupid JW mind control.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong
    I was put on Double Secret Probation once.
    What the hell is that?

    Integ: Watch the movie Animal House.

  • Confucious

    I posted this once before, but I was kicked out of a KH Cleaning when I was under restriction.

  • minimus

    If you aren't qualified to clean a toilet, what good are ya?

  • blondie

    It's amazing that you would not be considered worthy to clean a toilet but still have to go out in field service each month. I would think that representing the God Most High and talking about the Kingdom was more valuable than cleaning a toilet. I'm sure the brothers would consider you qualified to give money to the KH/WTS too.

    Blondie (just a sister with few privileges to restrict)

  • Confucious

    Yeah, it really did happen.

    I got kicked out of a hall cleaning.

    The most bizarre thing about it is I brought with me 4 unbaptized people to help clean. They were my RV calls.

    A husband, wife and two kids came with me to help clean.

    So I was good enough to bring them there and to go out in field service, but not good enough to clean.

    I could read right through them though. They were upset because by that time I grew my hair out long.

  • minimus

    Did they kick you out and leave them to stay and work?

  • KGB

    I was not put on restriction per say but I was held back from going out and knocking on doors because my hair was too long, when i went to get it cut all that needed to be cut was a simple 1/2 of hair. I thought that was a bunch of bull and was being used to control me. Of course now I know that thats exactly what it was...

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