Many elders actually forget that a person is on restrictions. These poor souls languish for who knows how long, wondering if they're good enough to get their privileges back while the elders don't even give the person a second thought.
Were You Ever Put On Restrictions?
by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends
Isn't it wonderful that we no longer have to worry about restrictions imposed on us? Restrictions are for the purpose of punishment. It is given to those who are not considered "orderly". When the elders "put someone on restrictions" it was to teach them that they couldn't say or do anything considered against the Society's guidelines or an elder's personal whims. Looking back, we can see how the Society regularly tried to keep people under their thumb. Sad indeed.......
I think it also kept them humble, feeling lowly, lesser than others.. which was a way in which they could be controlled more..
One time I had private reproof but the brothers didn't tell me I couldn't answer. As a matter of fact, one of the brothers on my committee called in me in bookstudy regularly. Six months later I moved back to a nearby congregation (and the one that I had grown up in) and after I answered there for three months, I was given a call on day by the PO and told I wasn't supposed to have been answering, that I was on restrictions according to the elders back in the cong I came from. I was treated like I was trying to slip something by all of them, when indeed I had no clue.. and I was sooo ashamed.. because here I now was in a little tiny congregation where it was going to be obvious that I was no longer answering... so of course it looks like I have just done something horrendous to be disciplined for.. and since many of them had been doing things with me.. it made them wonder if I was good assocation.. I never felt so humiliated..
Minimus. 'Restrictions' or whatever you want to call it are a part of our society. When you drive past a speed sign, do you grumble at how 'just like the WTS it is' ?
Also, you are forgetting the fact that *sometimes* the restrictions are for a damn good reason.
Get a clue.
BTW Everyone, for those who don't know, I've restricted minimus posting limit. As always though he's tries to be 'clever' and make pointed posts without ever actually addressing the issue or acknowledging any of his part in it. The shit-stirring does get a bit wearisome after a while minimus - I suggest you get over it.
No Simon, but if the SAME cop was always looking to bust me, I'd think he's got some sort of problem. And let's face it, you punish me that you feel are out of line just like the elders did. If a cop was always trying to nail you, they'd be rightly accused of harrassment.