Were You Ever Put On Restrictions?

by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Confucious

    They kicked me out and left them there to say.

    So I lied, (kind of) and told my RV's that I had to work.

    When I did, they left anyway.

    To me, it was almost like, "well what else."

    By that time, I was fed up anyway - so it wasn't a big deal.

    I was picked on for everything.

  • cat1759

    Yes, I lost the right to continue fulltime pioneering. My ex came to my fathers apartment and we were not married but experimenting orally. My ex turned me in. As he was upset that I had broken off the engagement. I was to marry him and lost service privileges. We didn't even have sex yet.

    Needless to say after we married we didn't have anymore oral sex.


  • minimus

    Confucious, Those elders really SUCKED, didn't they? I would've told them to stick the toilet brush up their rears.

  • Confucious


    More than anything, I hate it when people make issues under the guise of something else.

    Where does that reasoning stand? You're good enough to preach, but not good enough to clean a toilet???

    It doesn't stand up.

    The elders there had issues. I was a rare breed in the Hall where I was spiritual, a pioneer, my wife was a pioneer and I was successful in a "wordly" sense.

    I made good money, had a prety wife, was interviewed on t.v. all the time and was prominent in the community.

    Even when I struggled with things from time to time, I would do what Jesus said, "When you are fasting, wash your face and clean up your cloths so you struggle in secret." (just a paraphrase.)

    Instead, the ones that get jealous are the ones that Jesus said, "they disfigure their faces so that they appear to be struggling."

    So it boiled down to an issue of jealousy, under the guise of spirituality.

  • minimus

    Confucious, I would think that if they were jealous, having you clean toilets would be humbling for you, given the attention you garnered. But, I too, have seen the results of jealousy and stupid things happen by those in power. Still, I think it's funny that you weren't qualified to clean the toilets but you were qualified to be a "pioneer".

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well Ive been put on 'Sexual' bread and water rations on numerous occassions by a wife or two. Does that count? And Ive been put on restrictions here, being deemed a bad influence. But, no, the org never put me on restrictions.

  • Maverick

    I was put on private reproof, which took about two days to become public knowledge, in three states! Eight months later I asked if I could have some of my privileges back, like commenting at book study. The PO asked how long I had been on restriction? When I told the jerk you could see the "Oh we messed up!" look on his face. He went into a huddle with the other two goofs on the committee and told me.."I'm real strick! But you can have all your privileges back but prayer." I didn't think he was strick just incompetent! Three months later I asked if I could have all my privileges back. The dope asked what privileges I had...he forgot! Six weeks later I asked the School Overdoofis if I could give a talk. His response, "I don't know...can you!" These loving men could not be bothered to keep tract of those they discipline. And how many times in that year did they check on me....0 Lying worthless dog turds! Maverick

  • Reborn2002

    I was removed from the "priviledges" of holding the microphones and reading at Book Study because my sideburns were too long.

    You read that right. My sideburns were to the bottom of my ear, and the elders yanked me to the back room and told me it was a sign of rebelliousness to seek "worldly" grooming styles and I had to conform immediately, trim my sideburns, or be removed.

    I asked them for a Scriptural basis showing that wearing sideburns longer than someone else equaled conduct unbecoming a christian. I then mentioned that in any and all Watchtower articles, Jesus, the Apostles, Moses, etc. are all depicted with facial hair. I also said why would God give us the ability to grow hair on our face if it was something so hideous? Mind you, I was 16 or 17 at the time. They looked at me, provided no legitimate answer, and instead told me that I should not dare defy the elders and God's organization and direction and instead just do as I was told.

    That was the beginning of the end for me. I exited not long after.

  • Confucious


    I think more than anything it was a power thing. So they could hold something over my head.

    Reborn, my favorite scripture (or one of them) is that Jesus doesn't judge by mear appearance to the eyes.

  • czarofmischief

    I remember they said I couldn't comment, because I made out with a girl.

    I think its funny now, because up until that point I was a model Witness on campus - studying faithfully every Watchtower, highlighting and looking up the scriptures, making notes, and preaching to my roommates, who were in retrospect pretty tolerant of the Bible Geek.

    However, once I couldn't comment, I stopped studying. Freed of the endless repetition, I began a career in getting more restrictions.

    Finally they diffed me, which lifted the restrictions on sex, drunkeness, marijuana, and heavy metal.

    CZAR of the "restricted but free" klas

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