Like you said OCW: we *are* round pegs trying to fit in a square hole. Nothing wrong with that! Some of life's most interesting and exciting people were the same. I've lived a highly interesting life. Nothing much to the left of adventure, except that I've always been attracted to the "fringies" and that's fine and dandy with me. Their lives have intermingled with mine, been crossed over, under, over, whatever. It's all good. For, from them, I've learned to live life a little crazy: a little on the wild side. I'm used to it. My Father is not even a Witness, and is one of the most oddball people I've ever met. He "attracts" oddballs, and so my whole life has been surrounded by oddballs: JW's from one side, and fringies from another. I've got a million stories to tell, and from each of them I've learned just a little more bout myself, and the world around me. I was invested with a keen sense of curiosity, a divine sense of humor, and an endless thirst to know everyone. From all senses, I have molded a world of interest, laughter, curiosity, a thirst for knowledge and with these I have embarked on the most precious mission of my life: to find out everything about everyone and everything. I love it *all*! It makes me an oddball because I'm not on the normal American quest of money, prestiege, and influence. As long as I have food, shelter, my family and animals, and all the world has to offer, I'm on an endless quest for triviality.. and that's fine by me! I like everything... it's all *so good*. Every little piece fits somewhere in this large jigsaw puzzle of life.
So, don't feel like an oddball anyone: it's just YOU coming alive. Feeling the feelings, living the life, doing the things. Be there in every minute and take what the world has to give, including the down, and just live it. That's what it's there for. If I were to die today, I could honestly say that I've lived life to its fullest merriment. Maybe it wasn't in the "normal" way of money, power, or prestiege, but I sipped every last drop out of my cup and left my lipstick smears. <grin>
It feels odd to feel odd.. but once you get used to it, you realize you have a distinct advantage over MOST of the populace. You are not hindered by class, social, or economic distinction. You just "are" and you are watching and enjoying all of it, not hindered by fears that are the accompaniment of most social wizards: weight, looks, cars, houses, etc. You just are a person that is riding on the coattails of destiny! live and let live...
Country Girl