You made a good point and I don't disagree with it.
I am a successful person and I don't need anyone to make myself more complete. I am an independent person and don't need anyone's approval to feel I am successful. I had to be growing up as a dub. When I left it made me a better person because I had to turn to myself for guidance. I raised a family, put myself through colage, bought a house and worked dam hard and busted my back in the process!!! I go to work everyday at the same company for the past 25 years hardly ever missing a day off even though I am in constant pain from my back. I did this not because I had rich parents or a wife to support me but I did it on my own. I may not have a fancy car or a big fancy paying job that I back stabbed or suck holed my way into it. But I judge successfullness by how you treat others and as a human being. I have a fulfilling life now and its their loss if they think otherwise So no one better tell me I am not successful. Any woman that looks down on me can kiss my butt. Let them have their dead beats and free loaders. They deserve what they get but in the end don't cry to me. Is that arrogant enough for you?