Since some folks takes offense with the word, "baby murderers" pretty much tells me someone has a guilty conscience and doesn't wanna think about or even acknowledge that the child is a baby when it's being butchered.
Here's some other offensive words as well...
Abortion Clinic = Butcher Mill
Doctors = Baby Killers
Nurses = Accessory Killers
Yes, the pro butchers wants the right to kill their babies because they're considered incovenient (whenever it is considered incovenient).
Heck, even mothers are dumping their babies in trash dumpsters AFTER they are born. Remember the prom date baby murder?
Even here in Indianapolis, some dump truck drivers are finding dead babies in trash bins and trash cans.
The woman who was Jane Roe, whose real name is Norma McCorvey, filed in the supreme court to have her case overturned and reversed after what she did in 1973. She became a born again Christian after suffering years of depression, abusing drugs and alcohol and worked in the butcher mills for years.
One day she woke up sober in the playground and saw no children on the playground, she screamed when she came to a realization, "OH MY GOD! I KILLED THEM ALL AND THERE IS NONE LEFT!"
Anyway, she became saved because a family rented out an office next door to the butcher mill and their little girl would often visit Norma whenever she is outside smoking a cig during her break times. She would talk to Norma, play with her, sat down and read children's books with her. Norma also often yelled and screamed (and cussed at whenever the little girl isn't around) at her parents telling them a woman has a right to her body, blah, blah, blah.
Later the little girl asked Norma if she would like to come to church with her. At first, she was reluctant, but after some encouranging and begging from the little girl, she went.
Guess what? She got saved! w00 h00!
A few years later, she decided she needed to clean her conscience by doing the right thing, she filed to have her case reversed.
The supreme court turned her down (the bastards!)
Meanwhile, the baby killing continues....