Have YOU Ever Met Up With Anyone Famous

by RAYZORBLADE 73 Replies latest social entertainment

  • shamus

    Anthony Hopkins (now Sir Anthony Hopkins). Very nice man.

    Russell Crowe - briefly.

    That kid on home improvement - what's his name? The one all the girlies were after......

    And, most important of all, Simon. (just kidding Simon...)

  • Princess

    OK, I scanned the picture and sent it to Mulan to post for me.

    I have a friend who is a local DJ and she takes us to concerts and backstage to meet the artists. Very cool. I also met Phil Vassar in May, the picture is on here somewhere.

  • TresHappy

    I have met Byron Scott several times - former Laker and now coach of the New Jersey Nets.

    Also met Dr. Julius Erving - really nice guy.

  • Mulan

    Okay, it took me forever to get this photo to work. But here is Princess and her husband with Vince Gill.

  • amac

    I hung out with The Edge from U2 for about 10 minutes. Nice guy for those 10 mins.

  • Yerusalyim

    Oh, how could I forget...Roger Boyd from the band Head East (anyone old enough to remember them). He used to live across the street from my Grandma...we were drunk together more than once.

  • Lutece

    Shook hands Charlton Heston and he was clearly a celebrity with presence. I also met President Jimmy Carter once, just a handshake and a hello. I also have an ongoing friendship with Madonna's dad and stepmom. I even wrote an article for Emeril Lagasse's website about his winery in Northern Michigan. I would love to meet Antonio Banderas (without Melanie anywhere nearby, LOL)

  • avishai

    Ive done some acting work, so I've met a bunch of folks, some stuff in the music industry, too. One that sticks out is Bruce Greenwood.

    Heck of a nice guy, I was working as an extra on the series "nowhere man, It had just started, & I did'nt know who he was, so I walked over, bummed a smoke & started b.s ing with him. His personal assistant comes up, & says, you're background talent, don't bother Mr. greenwood. So he says" This guy was'nt bothering anyone, he does'nt even know who I am, F-off, Leave me alone, we were having a good conversation. HELL of a nice guy. Also met Jimmy Darrin that day, he was the director of that episode. Nice guy, too.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Great thread, ya topic bandit, Rayz! LOL! Matter of fact, I had it up NEXT on my list of topics to start this morning when I logged on and saw YOURRRRRRRS.......

    Anyways....yes...I've met Wayne Hilmer, owner of Omni Aircraft and F.Lee Bailey, famous attorney, when I worked for a charter airlines (lear jets) in D.C.....hmmmm....and when I worked as a stripper in Dallas, near Love Field, I met Bob Crane, Hogan's Heroes, Larry Storch, F Troop, Porter Wagoner, Grand Ol' Oprey, and various comedians who visited our club...oh...and also Mark White, former governor of Texas...one night he spent HOURS in our club...told me that it was better to sit and talk with me than psych therapy...LOL!

    Frannie B

  • berylblue

    This is going to be a shocker....

    Al Stewart, of course.

    He is a very intelligent man; what's interesting is that he follows his "fan" mailing lists and guesses, after concerts, accurately who everyone is.

    The first time I met him, I was babbling excitedly and then realized I hadn't introduced myself. I said, "Oh, by the way, I'm Rosemarie."

    He just smiled and said, "I know." (Was that a good thing that he knew me instantly, or a bad thing? Apparently, he read all my posts; knew I lived in the Philadelphia area, I guess, and matched up the babbling idiot in front of him with the babbling idiot of his fan lists)

    He's a very nice man. Gracious. Thanked me warmly and sincerely for my interest in his music.

    I am going to see him again Saturday. I'll write him another note about what his music means to me. I know that he keeps going because of devotion to his listeners; someone with whom he is very close has assured me that is the sole reason he keeps performing. He's now 58; concert tours are hard on him.

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