Being a Star Trek fan, I've met...
Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock)
He's a funny guy. I got to see many of his presentations on both ST as well as many movies he had directed over the years. Very well spokesperson and very private man, we spoke briefly since he noticed I am deaf with an interpretor in front of me up front near the stage. He stepped down to talk to me wanting to know who I am and where I am from. He flashed an "ILY" sign at me which was so cool. He told me he met Marlee Matlin and I told him she was one of my classmates at Center on Deafness in North Brook, IL which to his surprise and delight that I knew her.
George Takei 
We spoke briefly about his future plans for stage, movies as well about Star Trek. He's an alright guy, kinda quiet in some ways.
Nichelle Nichols
Damn, she's such a great lady, too bad I can't hear her singing, many people tell me about her great voice. We spoke about the USS Columbia tragedy back in 1992 and her passion for space travel.
Walter Koenig 
Loved him in both ST as well as playing the bad guy (PSI Corps) on Babylon 5, I thought he did hella well on B5, played his character just perfectly. I commented about his PSI Corps character and I thought he did extremely well for the part and a refreshing change from his Chekov character.
John De Lance "Q" 
He's an ok guy, he got pretty irritated during the autographing session and I don't blame him, it can get tedious at times. I told him while he was close to ending the session to hang in there since he's almost all done and he can go plum crazy in his hotel all he wants to get it all out and he just smiled at me.
LeVar Burton
We talked briefly about his future career post ST:TNG and he said he's getting back into the Rainbow Reading children's program more often than he used to when he was on the show.
Susan Gibney who played Dr. Leah Brahmns 
Watched Levar and Susan do a great kisser on stage! Heheheh! In fact Susan is such a character that's she's funnier than all heck on stage, made me wonder why she isn't into comedy on television??
Wil Wheaton
I met this super cool guy at the ST Convention and we went to lunch together along with my friend interpreting for me. We spoke about his stereotyping as the geeky Wesly Crusher character and how it ruined his future acting career. He also said that he now knows what geeks go through and he would never speak an unkind word about geeks ever again.
He also said that some of the geekiness did rub off on him since he absolutely loves computers and internet technology. He runs a very popular and famous website at (by the way, he has a very important 9/11 message to his fans. Check it out!) which is a blog site, talking about his everyday ups and downs in life. You'll grow to love him on his website.
I also met Gil Gerard of Buck Rodgers
Pretty cool guy and not a bad actor. He dropped out of the acting scene and I think he pretty much gave up hollywood since after play Buck pretty much screwed his acting career. It's a shame though.
That's all I've met, sorry it was all sci fi since that's all I love.