Have YOU Ever Met Up With Anyone Famous

by RAYZORBLADE 73 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Kenneson

    A group of us from Tallahassee went to Plains, Georgia for a church service followed by a Sunday School class taught by former President Jimmy Carter. Afterwards, I had my picture taken with him and his wife.

    When I worked at Acadian Village in Lafayette, La. "Belizaire the Cajun" was filmed there. I watched Robert Duval in action in a number of scenes shot there.

    I went to a lecture given at Florida State University by Maya Angelou. But I couldn't even get into the building. She spoke to an overflow crowd outdoors over loudspeakers.

  • DFWnonJW


  • SixofNine
    When I worked at Acadian Village in Lafayette, La. "Belizaire the Cajun" was filmed there. I watched Robert Duval in action in a number of scenes shot there

    lol, how funny Kenneson. I've had a few odd brushes with fame, but I've forgotten most of them, though not nearly as quickly as they've forgotten me. Your comment reminded me of one; I held the door for Duval's wife at the Dallas premier of Belizaire the Cajun. She was in the movie I believe, and he spoke to the crowd on the making of and his career in general. Man what an actor!

  • La Capra
    La Capra

    I live in an area where lots of famous people live "to get away from it." I have been to parties with Robin Williams, stood in line at the grocery next to Mare Winningham, served dinner to Bobby McFerrin, taught John Lasseter's step-son (Toy Story genius), and served JL at a school fundraiser. A good friend of mine is the nanny for an A-list actress that everyone here has heard of and drooled over. The Smothers Brothers and the Doobie brothers were clients of my father's. Every once in awhile I see Joe Montana at the movies, or out and about. Parts of American Grafitti were filmed on my street, one block up, and Tucker was filmed at the end of another street I lived on (there are McMansions there now, though. Those guys were wandering all over town. I ran into the Bridges a few times. They like it around here because they get treated fairly normally by the locals. They aren't here to hide, they are here to live normal lives, and for some reason, the culture of the wine country is conducive to that. For only a few of you, this will mean something, but one year in jazz band, we had Ed Shaugnessy come play with us. Another year, Maynard Fergussen came to play with a neighboring high school jazz band. My world civ teacher's brother is Tommy Newsom. Not bad for a girl who has never lived anywhere but dinky, agricultural Sonoma County. Shoshana

  • waiting


  • freein89


    You always make me laugh. Hey check this out though, when I got married 8 years ago, I assigned a friend to take photos at the reception. After we found out there was no film in my camera. A few months later I was at a wedding reception and was telling the woman taking pictures at that reception about my experience about the film, she checked her camera and she was out of film. We had a good laugh and she put in some film, I found out after that she was one of the producers for the Oprah show. That is my brush with greatness.


  • Yizuman

    Being a Star Trek fan, I've met...

    Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock)
    He's a funny guy. I got to see many of his presentations on both ST as well as many movies he had directed over the years. Very well spokesperson and very private man, we spoke briefly since he noticed I am deaf with an interpretor in front of me up front near the stage. He stepped down to talk to me wanting to know who I am and where I am from. He flashed an "ILY" sign at me which was so cool. He told me he met Marlee Matlin and I told him she was one of my classmates at Center on Deafness in North Brook, IL which to his surprise and delight that I knew her.

    George Takei
    We spoke briefly about his future plans for stage, movies as well about Star Trek. He's an alright guy, kinda quiet in some ways.

    Nichelle Nichols
    Damn, she's such a great lady, too bad I can't hear her singing, many people tell me about her great voice. We spoke about the USS Columbia tragedy back in 1992 and her passion for space travel.

    Walter Koenig
    Loved him in both ST as well as playing the bad guy (PSI Corps) on Babylon 5, I thought he did hella well on B5, played his character just perfectly. I commented about his PSI Corps character and I thought he did extremely well for the part and a refreshing change from his Chekov character.

    John De Lance "Q"
    He's an ok guy, he got pretty irritated during the autographing session and I don't blame him, it can get tedious at times. I told him while he was close to ending the session to hang in there since he's almost all done and he can go plum crazy in his hotel all he wants to get it all out and he just smiled at me.

    LeVar Burton

    We talked briefly about his future career post ST:TNG and he said he's getting back into the Rainbow Reading children's program more often than he used to when he was on the show.

    Susan Gibney who played Dr. Leah Brahmns

    Watched Levar and Susan do a great kisser on stage! Heheheh! In fact Susan is such a character that's she's funnier than all heck on stage, made me wonder why she isn't into comedy on television??

    Wil Wheaton
    I met this super cool guy at the ST Convention and we went to lunch together along with my friend interpreting for me. We spoke about his stereotyping as the geeky Wesly Crusher character and how it ruined his future acting career. He also said that he now knows what geeks go through and he would never speak an unkind word about geeks ever again.
    He also said that some of the geekiness did rub off on him since he absolutely loves computers and internet technology. He runs a very popular and famous website at www.wilwheaton.net (by the way, he has a very important 9/11 message to his fans. Check it out!) which is a blog site, talking about his everyday ups and downs in life. You'll grow to love him on his website.

    I also met Gil Gerard of Buck Rodgers

    Pretty cool guy and not a bad actor. He dropped out of the acting scene and I think he pretty much gave up hollywood since after play Buck pretty much screwed his acting career. It's a shame though.

    That's all I've met, sorry it was all sci fi since that's all I love.


  • Sir Paul
    Sir Paul

    I used to be pretty involved with acting at one point, nothing to really write home about - But I've had a few featured spots in a few Vegas-based Films and TV shows... Met the whole CSI cast of course (rode in the bus with them), Met Andy Garcia, George Clooney (who is VERY nice and chatty) and Brad Pitt (Great guy - shyer than you'd think he'd be) on O11... Met Robert Wagner on Play it to the Bone (horrible movie - but I got to do a little scene with Rob..) as well as Woody Harrelson (Taller than you'd think he'd be) and Antonio Bandaras (fairly short - But nice) as well as Antonio's family (Melanie and the kid) ..Hmm let's see... 'Met' Julia Roberts twice now.. from America's Sweethearts and O11.. and Catherine Zeta Jones and Billy Crytal from America's Sweethearts (Catherine was gorgeous in person) ...Oh yeah, almost forgot - John Cusack was there too and during a break in filming I felt someone put there hands on my shoulders balancing themselves trying to get through the crowd - and I turned around, and it was John.... (Tall guy too) Hmmm.. Maybe he was just trying to 'cop a feel'? LOL... Well, in any case, he was a nice guy and (ladies) now my shoulders are 'blessed' by John Cussack. LOL

    Outside of film sets, I also met and spoke to Diane Keaton while I was acting as host for Border Grill when it first opened here in Vegas, and have also met Andre Agassi many many times back when he had hair - as we grew up in the same neighborhood, and he used to go in the big video store I used to work in.. (psst.. back then, he favored the 'red room' if you know what I mean) I liked him though.. great guy. Met his fiance/wife Stefi years later at the mall when I was selling Men's Fragrance - as she bought a whole bunch of Gendarme for Andre (Gendarme is a brand that's very light - good for people who are normally allergic to cologne..)

    I met the Carters (Rosalynn and Jimbo) this past Valentine's day, and did some artwork for them which I hear is hanging in their house now.. :)

    Allright.. I'll stop showing off now.. Perhaps it would've just been easier to say who I haven't met yet - Haven't met Jack Nicholson... so there...

  • digderidoo

    My dad has sat in the driving seat of Herbie and had dinner with Christopher Reeves.

  • Mulan

    One of my "still a JW" friends was the housekeeper for Microsoft exectutives, Jeff and Tricia Raikes. I went to their house a few times with her. Great house by the way. My friend has met Bill and Melinda Gates there. A team of JW women, I used to be friends with, clean house for the Gates, by the way. Whooo whoo. Aren't you impressed?

    Jeff Raikes
    Jeff Raikes

    Frank Gifford is my third cousin. Never met him though. Hmmm, just thought of a new thread.

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