Once upon a time a guy named Jesus founded a new religion.
One of the things he - and his biographers - emphasized was "Stop judging!"
He went even further, saying "Stop condemning!" (Luke 6:37) The context of these
remarks talks about having love for your enemies, giving without expectation of return,
kindness, mercy, and to stop looking for faults in others while concentrating on your
own defects (Luke 6:39).
So, when do Jehovah's Witnesses ever stop judging?
They condemn the governments as run by the Devil.
They condemn Catholics, Protestants, and Jews as "false religion"
They condemn 99.9% of the human race as not of the Great Crowd
and doomed at Armageddon.
They judge their neighbors, schoolmates, and workmates as "bad associations".
Oh but wait! --- They also judge or condemn other Witnesses - who miss
meetings and magazine peddling - as "bad associations" or worse, apostates.
We also need to add judgements based on personal disputes - take a good look
at ANY WITNESS DIVORCE for that! If you don't know what bitterness and
scheming look like, you'll find it there!
In my Bethel days, some overseers condemned other Bethelites as facing
"destruction at Armageddon". Toss them into the mix.
So, there may be a few people on this planet that aren't judged or condemned
by Jehovah's Witnesses.
Honestly, judging to a Witness comes as naturally as breathing. I doubt you
could really be any kind of a Witness without a lust to condemn others.
and all this got started by a guy who said "Stop Judging!"