The Scripture They Ignore, Ignore, Ignore...

by metatron 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DanTheMan


    I still can't see what your point is.

    The point of Metatron's post was that JW's are judgemental, that they spend their whole lives in this "we vs. they" mindset, in contrast to the scripture mentioned in Luke chapter 6.

    I don't see where you've refuted that, in spite of your supreme confidence that you have. Maybe if you could reframe your arguments, or summarize somehow?

    Also, you haven't responded to my repeated requests to see where the real emphasis is in the WT pubs.

  • ashitaka

    Proplog, did you eat beans for dinner, because you seem to be emitting some kind of toxic gas. It's making me dizzy.

    As for Met's post, I agree wholeheartedly. The whole of the witness religion is not about acting on faith, but judging the other religions so much that the witnesses are brainwashed into thinking, "Where else can I go?", rather than, "I am so happy I am here, I am fulfilled."

    Absolute poison.

    Also, pointing out the faults of the JWs is not judging. It is gleaning and expounding on our own personal experiences.


  • ellderwho
    Metatron: How many people have JW's killed?

    Plenty,(per ratio) prior to the policy change in 1939.Not to mention the NO BLOOD issue. Not all mainline Protestant groups have gone to war, the Morovians the Mennonites, Quakers and a few others. The first sixty years of the Org they went to war. If the Bible is against war why did it take them so long. BTW Jws do not practice love as described in Luke 6:27-31. Ive yet seen a Jw love his enemy.

    Love....see how receptive a Jw is if you visit their house!

    and all this got started by a guy who said "Stop Judging!"'d you git sooooo smart!!!


  • proplog2

    Dan the Man:

    My point has been made several times. Metatrons titled his post as "The Scripture They Ignore...

    The main scripture he cites is the one in Luke.

    Now, if he meant simply that their conduct is inconsistent with that scripture then his whole premise is misrepresented in the title of his post. He might have even said "The Scripture They Ignore by their actions" but that stretches the ususal meaning of ignore and that's why the mode of "ignore" would have to be qualified.

    This is NOT nit picking. I am attacking the propagandistic language on this forum. That is why I keep bringing up the fact that in the usual sense of the word "ignore" it can't be shown that JW's fail to address the scripture he quotes.

    His premise that JW's are "especially" judgemental because they believe that only JW's will be saved is not proveable. Soteriology is the very heart of Christianity. This doesn't mean that JW are judgemental. They after all aren't the ones who actually decide who lives and dies. It's out of their hands and they acknowledge that.

    Growing up a JW I was constantly ridiculed by so-called "Christians" - students & teachers. They would judge me on the basis of my beliefs and call me names. So don't tell me that JW's are any worse than other religions. To the extent that a person takes the teachings of Christ seriously they will remain separate from the world. Anyone who is a friend of the world is an enemy of God. (James 4:4)

    A lot of religions have been influenced by relatavism. They feel there really isn't any "truth". Of course they don't have to worry about "bad association". They ridicule "moral" communities. In spite of believing that most will die at Armageddon JWs demonstrate their love for others by trying to warn and educate people of this perceived danger.

  • proplog2


    Proplog, did you eat beans for dinner, because you seem to be emitting some kind of toxic gas. It's making me dizzy.

    Don't expect me to respond to personal attacks.

  • metatron

    Proplog, your posts are becoming too weak to respond to.

    I repeat : your reasoning is poisoned by too much Watchtower extremism ( boy, that's redundant!) - as mine was.

    Having a WT Index, I am aware of feeble attempts to apply Jesus' words about judging. That's nothing new.

    While Jesus spoke about selectivity, taking his words to exclude 99.9% plus of the human race is absurd,

    together with the whole junkpile of Witness judgements about other religions, organizations, etc.

    Like other critical principles, meagre attention is paid by the aloof Theocrats to this subject, with resultant

    EFFECTS --- often NOTED ON THIS BOARD, as Witnesses readily dismiss their relatives and neighbors as damned

    at Armageddon. The lack of attention given the matter, in love, qualifies as -- ignoring.

    If apologies are needed, let them come from the agency named herein THAT NEVER SAYS

    "WE APOLOGIZE" in any of its magazines, no matter what its false prophecies or injuries to others.

    Since you want to play Watchtower apologist, fine

    Let's see more of this wondrous display of Watchtower Logic and Love,

    I will continue - until they fall apart or reform themselves ethically.

    and I don't hold my breath anymore for "reform"


  • DanTheMan


    I think that everybody here who gets shunned by family or former acquaintances can understand the judgementalism of JW's. I think you're adding meaning to the word judge here that nobody else is.

    Nobody ever said that JW's were different from other Christian fundies, so you're dragging a red herring around by bringing that up.

    Growing up a JW I was constantly ridiculed by so-called "Christians" - students & teachers. They would judge me on the basis of my beliefs and call me names.

    Maybe but this isn't the experience of most JW's I know. Maybe it was more than just your religion that caused people to single you out?

    To the extent that a person takes the teachings of Christ seriously they will remain separate from the world.

    I know many JW's who don't take their religion very seriously at all, just a social club, yet they still won't talk to me or their DF'd family members. And once again, you're only proving the point of this post that everything in JW world is about us vs. the world. Which you still seem to believe in, so I guess I don't know what to say there.

    A lot of religions have been influenced by relatavism. They feel there really isn't any "truth". Of course they don't have to worry about "bad association". They ridicule "moral" communities.

    Put a different way: A lot of religions have dropped the black/white fundamentalist thinking of JW's and other like groups. They don't worry about bad association because they realize that everybody is more or less the product of their environment and circumstances, so the idea of trying to figure out if a person is "bad" or "good" isn't at the front of their mind whenever they meet a new person. They cast a skeptical eye towards hyper-religious people such as JW's, as it seems like nothing more than escapism to them. They wonder if a life spent in tireless devotion to an esoteric, millenial, adventist sect is a life well spent.

    In spite of believing that most will die at Armageddon JWs demonstrate their love for others by trying to warn and educate people of this perceived danger.
    Have you been out in a car group lately?
  • integ
    No one on this board claims to be the mouthpiece of God yet the JW organisation does.

    Prisca: Excellent point.

    Proplog: Just because what Metatron says is agreeable to a great majority of the people here, does not make it untrue. Just because the Society mentions Luke 6:37 in their literature a few times, does'nt mean they practice the message in that scripture. Please cite any examples of how the Witnesses put that scripture into practice. They merely pay lip service to that scripture. You know them by their ACTIONS. If you want to continue to be a Watchtower apologist, I'm afraid the Society has not given you much ammunition to work with.


  • proplog2


    I'm not a Watchtower apologist. I agree without about 5% of their teachings and about 6% of the teaching of Jesus. I am an advocate for good argumentation and I hate cheap propaganda. And when I see guys like Metatron who are highly intelligent and ought to know better - resort to those tricks I speak out.

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