Proplog, your posts are becoming too weak to respond to.
I repeat : your reasoning is poisoned by too much Watchtower extremism ( boy, that's redundant!) - as mine was.
Having a WT Index, I am aware of feeble attempts to apply Jesus' words about judging. That's nothing new.
While Jesus spoke about selectivity, taking his words to exclude 99.9% plus of the human race is absurd,
together with the whole junkpile of Witness judgements about other religions, organizations, etc.
Like other critical principles, meagre attention is paid by the aloof Theocrats to this subject, with resultant
EFFECTS --- often NOTED ON THIS BOARD, as Witnesses readily dismiss their relatives and neighbors as damned
at Armageddon. The lack of attention given the matter, in love, qualifies as -- ignoring.
If apologies are needed, let them come from the agency named herein THAT NEVER SAYS
"WE APOLOGIZE" in any of its magazines, no matter what its false prophecies or injuries to others.
Since you want to play Watchtower apologist, fine
Let's see more of this wondrous display of Watchtower Logic and Love,
I will continue - until they fall apart or reform themselves ethically.
and I don't hold my breath anymore for "reform"