The Scripture They Ignore, Ignore, Ignore...

by metatron 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • metatron

    Your post is an excellent example of how the Watchtower poisons your

    thinking, proplog.

    The Jews endlessly judged each other ---- Jesus encouraged them to stop it.

    Is that simple enough for you? Instead he encouraged kind, generous, charitable

    thoughts - to get free from sectarian divisions.

    My point is that in "damning" more 99.9% of the human race - and other

    Witnesses, there is no real practical cognizance of what Jesus said ---

    in effect, it's ignored along with nearly all organized charity (except for whatever

    "trumpet blowing" the Awake can find)


  • proplog2


    My point stands unchallenged. You said they ignore Luke 6:37 and that's not true. I listed several examples in a context that shows they are willing to explain that scripture and even show some candor. You have chosen the course of cheap propaganda.

    Jehovah's Witnesses think their message means life and death. Jesus felt the same way and his illustration about the cramped road to life was far from optimistic. The religions that cheered on two world wars don't deserve to be held up as an example of anything.

  • gumby
    Once upon a time a guy named Jesus founded a new religion.

    You sure about that? Or did people start a religion about him?


  • DanTheMan


    Count how many hits you get on 1 Cor 15:33 (don't associate with those bad people outside the org) and John 17:16 (everything outside Watchtowerworld is bad) vs. the number of hits on Luke 6:37 on the WT CD. Please, let me know what you find. JW's receive loads of biblical related material, of course Luke 6:37 works its way in there somewhere. But let's see where the emphasis is.

    Your point about religions cheering on the two world wars is well taken. But aren't JW's anxiously awaiting the "day of the destrucion of ungodly men" (all non-JW's) at Armageddon? A massive slaughter that will make the two world wars look like a birthday party?

  • rocketman

    Gumby, I just noticed your new three-in-one avatar.

  • Prisca

    The difference between people on this board criticising the JWs, and the JWs' criticising other religions/people/fellow believers is that the JWs claim to be followers of Christ; this board and its participants make no such claim. This board is made of individuals of a variety of belief systems and values.

    No one on this board claims to be the mouthpiece of God yet the JW organisation does.

  • proplog2


    I'm not surprised to see that the emphasis is on maintaining the boundary of their organization. Vigilance is the main boundary function. A failure to maintain the boundary leads to dis-integration. In living organisms the boundary must be semi-permeable to allow the good in and keep the bad out.

    Armageddon is not the initiative of JW's. Supposedly if God chooses to kill it would be considered necessary violence. The JW view of who gets killed at armageddon is at odds with what the Bible actually says. THAT is a worthwhile discussion because it goes to the heart of what's wrong with JW's.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    "If they ignore it in practice then show how they are significantly different from other religions on this matter."


    "We are not the judges of who will or will not be resurrected."

    "Rather, let them "keep on releasing," that is, forgiving the shortcomings of their fellowman."

    Notice anything?

    "Instead of continually finding fault with others, they should "keep on releasing," that is, forgiving and overlooking the shortcomings of their fellowman."

    What they "keep on realising" is that it's their fellowman who's at fault, so they shouldn't judge them (outwardly) but forgive them!

    Their head is so far up their own *%$#@ that the above understanding is as far as they've managed to clear the mud in the water.

    Passages such as, "it's not what goes into a man, but what comes out", are overlooked and not known as spiritual teaching - to favour behavioural rules.

    It's not what goes in - i.e. spiritually - a look inward - "the spiritual man judges all things".

    It is the jw way to go out, not in - and the best they can come up with is to try and keep in what naturally comes out - if they can - but then their yes is not yes, nor is their no, no - just division trying to earn it's way to heaven.

    "but if I do judge my judgement is true" - you know how you just know some things and can't deny it?

  • DanTheMan
    maintaining the boundary of their organization. Vigilance is the main boundary function. A failure to maintain the boundary leads to dis-integration. In living organisms the boundary must be semi-permeable to allow the good in and keep the bad out

    maintaining the boundary - translation: judging non-JW's

    You're only proving the point of this thread. Everything about JWism is about judging outsiders and maintaining the us vs. them mentality. And yes, if they were to de-emphasize their precious "boundary" scriptures it would lead to a change in the spirit of JW's and possibly even disintegration of the whole wretched organism! Which would be a good thing!

    I really wish you had posted the hit counts on those scriptures I mentioned.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    More material for the JW to English Lie-word dictionary

    judge (English) - critically appraise, form an opinion post-deliberation

    judge (JW) - to pass and not withold a predetermined judgement

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