There has been much said that was addressed many of the points and I will likely retread what others have said. Of course, I can only speak for myself, because we are all individuals.
I deeply care for Jehovah’s Witnesses and want them to achieve the best life possible. This is my drive or motivation. It has nothing to do with “attacking” or hating anyone.
In fact, I would direct you to quotes from your own publications. For instance, the 11/15/63 Watchtower, page 688: "It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false…”
Or the 11/22/74 Awake, page 28: “But ask yourself: Why did Jesus publicly criticize religious men who claimed to serve the same God he preached? Was his motive bad? Not at all . . . What, though, if you had lived then and Jesus' followers criticized the religion of your friends and relatives? As now, it would have been easy to take offense. Still, we cannot deny that the disciples' comments – critical though they were – were right, and they are included in God's Word. As with Jesus, the motive behind the criticism was good. So the disciples were being Christian – not unchristian – in pointing out religious error . . . Far from being rejected as unchristian, then, criticism based on God's Word should be carefully considered, for it can bring real benefits.”
Therefore, any criticism toward the beliefs and practices I or many others might give toward this organization is akin to what has been outlined in these quotes.