JWs have more good points than bad
by lsw1961 183 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No! -
lsw1961: I will stick to JW in so far as they have more good points than bad
Well then you better get start packing, 'cause you'll be leaving them soon!
cha ching
Dang Doc!! You beat me to it! I was at work, didn't have time to post, but that illustration of "just a drop of poison" in the water.... Would you drink it?" has always stuck in my head, and as a witness, I have asked it of many.
When Jesus was asked for evidence of his resurrection by Thomas, did he say "Wait on Jehovah?" or did he let him stick his fingers in the holes of his hands? Jesus gave proof, he didn't disfellowship people for asking.
On the other hand, I have had a family member disfellowshipped for telling the truth at a trial. We knew they would be disfellowshipped because we read trial after trial, and saw the same thing occur. No DFing until the trial was over. Want to testify in favor of a child? want to tell the truth? Be prepared to lose your family, your friends, your everything you have made for 20, 30, 40, 50 years. Bam! Gone!
The WT is not 'concerned about children' or they would welcome 'the truth' in such trials. I remember hearing as a child, teenager, young adult, mother that "We (the WT) have won so many court cases, we have fought for freedom of speech" .... when in reality? in these court cases (time after time after time) they use this "freedom of speech" to say, "we will not answer this, it takes away our freedom of religion"
I constantly heard the lawyers from WT say, "We have to protect the right of people to confess to the elders" Pedophiles are constantly protected 'by the law' that JW's so proudly quote. Children are not.
If Jesus is like the WT, and you like Jesus, then it is a sad day indeed.
Very sad.
That’s a valid point I agree with you. Yet here things are bit different. They fought for the freedom of expression with regard to the spreading of good news which has its source in the Almighty. Mere human rulers cannot bring restriction on it. When the owner of the wall writes on it “stick no bills,” observers cannot question him asking: “Then why do you do the very thing you say should not be done by others?”
There are certain things I do not agree with, but I still accept them (though I do not approve them). I wait on Jehovah. When you are with a group, you have to accept certain things which you do not approve just you do with your life-partner.
I appreciate your balance, and thanks for the good and kind words.
Regarding your question: “how much leaven will you tolerate in a loaf before you decide it is no longer acceptable?” I have this to say: Leaven is sin, and the cause JWs stand for is something like a precious metal diamond over which leaven has no effect. That cause is this: Man has ruined (not ruled) his inner world, outer world and system of things which calls for a reaction from the God Almighty.
In this core belief, they have not erred, and will not err. If at all they have erred, it’s all in supplementary teachings which are too insignificant to shake the very core teaching.
lsw, glad to see you back!
Yes, I believe you are talking about the universal issue of sovereignty, yes?That like in the days of Noah, Jehovah would need to destroy the wicked, only saving those that are doing his will?
breakfast of champions
To any and all people who think there is "more good than bad" in JWs and who are "waiting on Jehovah". . . .
I say: Go for it!