Equal pay would have significance except for the fact that none of those folks are cold, hungry, unclothed. None of them are actually self supporting. They are supported by all the JWs who DO go to work for different salaries, with different abilities and different contributions. Some JWs are smarter and/or work harder, some are lazy and/or stupid. They contribute according to what they are willing to contribute and what they CAN contribute.
If you aspire to communism or socialism, that is great. I don't.
Most R &F bethelite JWs are not being given expensive watches, chauffered rides around town or any kind of authority. They sit, stand, speak when they are TOLD to. They have to leave when they are told with nothing. That is not what the world should aspire to, and if you really think that you want to live like that, then I think you are a very sad person. Unless you think you want to be a GB member. Then you are something else altogether in addition to being a very sad person.
JW's? Lots of individual JWs have awesomely good points. More good than bad. It doesn't make the religion right. The same could be said for people in any faith or no faith group. A study showed that non-religious children are more altruistic than religious ones. It is true that JWs are specifically trained from birth that being generous to others (esp non JWs) is a particular waste of time and effort. They are birdfood, don'tcha know. That would not be one of the JW good points, btw.
I'm glad you got out of a harmful way of life. You were ready to do so. Had some other group shown up at that time you might well be a mormon, muslim, baptist or catholic right now. My mom's mom got involved with JWs for free babysitting and my mom and her siblings went to meetings for regular indoctrination because their mom was literally old mother hubbard and meeting nights were her only break. True story. My mom started going to meetings at 2 and her siblings basically as soon as the next one was born until the last was left orphaned and left to be influenced by her eldest JW sister and her JW inclined aunt. My aunt(that youngest baby) has been in the org as if it were a revolving door. This round she is a pioneer. She could be a meth head again the next one. "Knowing Jehovah's ways from birth" have left her a confused mess. Well meaning. Good hearted. Mess. I hope for her sake it holds this time. 4th husband is nice and she drug him into the JWs so now he is a MS. He is like a male her without religion until now. Never been a mean druggie, but they both have a lot of demons to fight. Hoping that age has mellowed them.
I don't intend to run down all your points, but they are simplistic and unsophisticated. Open your eyes. This isn't a 4th grade social studies report about why your religion is desirable or acceptable, it is real life.