What is the alternative to JW?

by Formerbrother 475 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mephis
    So in the late 1800's Br Russell had to get everything spot on accurate and understand the entire bible straight away?

    What exactly did Russell get right which is still believed today by JWs? They no longer believe that Jesus arrived in 1874, whether invisibly or not. His ideas on the creative day have been rejected after 1975 proved a letdown. The rapture did not happen on any date suggested or even implied by Russell. Even the 1914 date had to be amended because he thought Armageddon would come on October and JWs now claim they were predicting just a year and they're right because WW1 started in, erm, August. His whole views on every story of the bible having symbolic significance in the 19th and 20th centuries has just recently been abandoned. He thought the faithful and discreet slave was a single man, that's now been amended to a group. The pyramids of Giza no longer are the guides to understanding the bible. When was Studies in the Scriptures last in print from the WBTS anyway?

    Arianism isn't new. The 144,000 idea is pretty unique but then there's more annointed now than there has been for decades, so something funky is going on with how God counts up to 144,000 if he was right. Non-belief in Hell? That's not unique either.

    What are the things he got right which other religions don't also preach? It's a Trigger's broom of a religion. The 'truth' of the 1870s is very far removed from the 'truth' of 2015. Assuming there is a single truth to be discovered, if Russell was so wrong about so much, what guarantees are there that his successors aren't equally as wrong? Because they say so? 'Millions now living will never die'. Nope. They're dead. "Jesus evidently meant overlapping generations"? Really? How many generations overlapped in the 30 odd years between Jesus supposed words and Jerusalem's destruction?


    • Former Brother wrote "Seriously, you are saying the Vatican and the Pope are nearer to the truth than Jw org?"

      Yes I am. How could I say such a thing? Look at the fruits. I gave you real examples of fruits that the Church that Jesus started has given the world. You on the other hand have not named 1 JW fruit. Everyone knows that the bible is a catholic book. How could the watchtower [or anyone else] be a better authority on it? Name a JW fruit or truth that would convince anyone?

      just asking an apologist


      Usually I will would reply to be polite. But I dont think its worth it in this case.

      You go on thinking what you like of the pope and the vatican and the million tons of gold they have taken from the people over the millenniums, I will go on thinking what I think

      Nothing like a little reality, eh? The church started by Jesus has never taken gold, it has only received what has been given. You are not being polite, you have no answer and would rather lie to yourself than try to lie to me it seems.

      How could you stay with an organization that claims truth, yet has none. You know a tree by it's fruits. Are the catholic fruits good? Are schools, hospitals, foodbanks, old age homes, homeless shelters, etc etc good? Can you even acknowledge the good in these things? If you cannot, then you are lying only to yourself. You have my pity.

  • Formerbrother
    The vatican has over a million tons of gold
  • dozy

    "The vatican has over a million tons of gold"

    Really? There has only been 184,000 tons of gold ever mined in human history. Exactly where do they keep this stash?

    " When you travel around the world and visit other congregations you soon see this is the only organisation that has love amongst themselves. No other org has love between balcks and whites, asian, indian whatever, all around the world in all the nations. If there is another org who does please say it here, maybe I missed one. "

    I do think that the supposed "love" that JWs have amongst themselves is somewhat over-rated and absolutely not unique. I've got a friend in the Rotary Club & I've travelled with him on business a few times - everywhere in the world he goes he has immediate friendship & finds kind , hospitable people of all races who welcome him like a long lost buddy. I was a JW the first time we went away & I was struck by how much similar it was to JWs - but a heck of a lot better. The same is true of numerous other organisations and societies of people.

    JW love is highly conditional & evaporates the moment you disclose that you have doubts or are unhappy with the Org. My wife literally lost 100 JW "friends" on Facebook overnight when she stopped going to the meetings.

  • sparky1

    Your being childish. Think about it, the light was prophesied to get brighter and brighter in the time of the end.

    Where is that prophecy found in the Bible? Chapter and verse please.

  • sparky1

    So the JW.ORG is the only one who has love in all the inhabited earth.

    Try telling that to the 18,479,257 Seventh Day Adventists who are in every land around the world.

    (Map taken from adventist.org)

  • punkofnice
    Your being childish. Think about it, the light was prophesied to get brighter and brighter in the time of the end.
    Where is that prophecy found in the Bible? Chapter and verse please.

    Good question, sparkster. Even the quote in Proverbs about light, if read in context, has nothing to do with a corporation getting things wrong in the 20th to 21st century.

  • Giordano

    Your being childish. Think about it, the light was prophesied to get brighter and brighter in the time of the end.

    Proverbs 4:18 was not intended to be prophetic indication that God gradually reveals truth to the Watchtower Society. Rather than extract a sentence, when taken in entirety the context of Proverbs chapter 4 is a comparison of behavior between good and bad people, not the dispensing of doctrinal truth through an organization. From the outset, it can be seen that using this Scripture to discuss doctrinal errors and changes is without basis.


    Former brother you can't trust the Society when it comes to quoting scripture taken out of context....... even their excuse for scriptural mistakes that the light is getting brighter is not correct.

    Anyway the only thing that you can trust is that believing JW's use rational ignorance when it comes to their dogma.

  • Finkelstein

    If so why would he want so many people preaching about loving Jehovah and hating Satan himself all around the world in such big numbers?

    A composition of lies and what does the bible say who is the father of lies ?

    Its because he is mimicking and falsely exploiting the Gospel pretentiously to create power and take it away from Jesus Christ.

    If a self described Christian doesn't abide in accordance to the teachings of Jesus Christ then he is false prophet .

    JWS in any way shape or form are not true Christians.


  • LaFrancia

    There is no alternative to JW

    we must work to improve the organization:

    Zero bureaucracy and

    adopting transparency measures

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