The simple question is did the cop and other policemen purposely try to make Floyd die. Did Chauvin know that he possibly could cause death to Floyd? Did the other cops know that Floyd was in danger of dying?? I doubt this scenario very much. The media wants us to believe that cops are in concert to kill black men. People were recording. If the cops actually were trying to kill this man do you really think they would not be thinking twice? This sad sequence of events was NOT to see Floyd die.
Derek Chauvin - The Right to a Fair Trial
by Simon 240 Replies latest social current
The simple question is did the cop and other policemen purposely try to make Floyd die.
Thats a far stretch to conclude being that those police officers had body cams working and filming their activity and there was a lot of people around watching the whole event..
What motive would they for all of them to together make a agenda to intentionally kill someone right in the open public like that ?
Cops aren't that stupid.
What probably happened is that the police were pressed to make themselves in control of the situation as we are the police in power when public civilians on the street were telling them what to do.
They may have assumed that well this guy is a lowly drugged up felony with a criminal record therefore were less inspired to give him proper care and attention because of that
Even society's lowest need to be addressed and handled like everyone else according to established law constitutes.
I really don’t believe they regarded him simply as a lowly drugged up felon and because of that didn’t give him proper attention and care. I simply don’t think they were looking at his convict record. He was drugged up. He was messed up. The cops aren’t doctors. They don’t know what he has ingested in his body. They restrain him. Plenty of drugged up people surprise cops and others and do crazy things. They kept him down. They are working on crowd control. Anti cop sentiment is rampant and the crowd probably wasn’t pro police. So they had their hands full. No one set out to murder this man.
I previously said bad things about the stand by pedestrians which may have not been totally correct. .
They saw a man on the ground blacked out unconscious with a police officer pressing his knee across his neck, they were just showing concern for the person out of empathy.
Its appears more now this was really a case of overuse of force provoking negligence in providing care and attention toward the health of a subdued and retained probable suspect .
Also, police often take what seem to be the unnecessarily cruel path because there are other factors non-police normally don’t consider - like the common occurs of people faking, popping up, and beating the shit out of cops.
All these threads about cops ‘not needing to escalate that quickly’ or ‘taking extreme force’ do not consider that the cops have to stay in front of the situation. They can’t risk a guy tricking them and getting them into a vulnerable situation.
I think, in this case, the jury might not consider “beyond a reasonable doubt” as the standard. Rather, for them, it will be “beyond a reasonable doubt my city won’t burn down if I let this innocent guy go”.
Mean, that’s a point people brush aside. Cops see their fellow officers get assaulted or killed . It’s not lost on them. BEFORE someone or something gets out of hand they will try to maintain some control.
It would be fool hardy for the court to not make any punishable consequences toward the attending police officers..
The murder charges should be dropped and other lessor criminal negligence charges should be imposed.
My guess is that's exactly whats going to happen.
@Rocket: Why would it be fool hardy?
@Rocket: Why would it be fool hardy?
Well for one the attending officers did not take due care and attention concerning the health and welfare during the actions of subduing a suspect of a unlawful crime.
And the general public, including the black community is watching this case very closely to see if fair and equatable justice is being served to the accused.
If there is an acquittal and those cops get off scott free without any charges being laid, expect riots in the streets once again.
That you can count on.