I've been on the board only for a short while, so this last thread appeared as pertinent and well thought out as any other posts you have made, any of which I have read, were enjoyed.
Blanket statements have the difficulty of encompassing all of the exceptions.
I have no doubt that there are many rotten people and elders in the organization. I've met a few myself.
But to say that all JW's are bad people, well; that is just a flat out lie.
IMHO, anyone that would make such a blanket statement is either ignorant or has a [thinly veiled] hidden agenda to make their biases an accepted fact in everyone else's lives.
I've had many elders & R&F make sacrifices that could never have been counted on a time card, or that would have been as visible as an underlined WatchTower in a Sunday meeting, or that would be as self-promoting as having their name announced as a Reg Pio.
They just did it because they were good people. I would wager that the majority of the above noted people that have touched me would have never even thought that their actions would somehow aid in them escaping the 'Big A'.
Of the positive experiences that I have had in the Troof, none of then will ever erase the negative things that I have been subjected to because of the Borg. Nor can it ever take away the pain the I have been through, or of others who have suffered much worse, such as molestation, because of the WTS.
And the point that Alan makes should be given some thought.
If we make blanket statements about the WTS and the people within, JW's looking to escape and then finding this site will be more apt to open their minds if they see the truth being plainly spoken. People looking to escape will have their bullshit alarms go off if they read all encompassing statements of hate here as the WTS also practices. It did for me when visiting other sites. When I came here and saw the truth being plainly discussed, it struck a chord in my heart.
I find myself though guilty of this very action that i just condemned. It's hard at times not to take part in such tribal mentality infused bashing. i even can be the instigator at times.
So thank you HS for the balanced viewpoint. I didn't note a change in your posting manner because they generally seem balanced, forthright and on the mark to me.