Wives Should Provide Sex On Demand - Dr. Laura

by Mindchild 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM

    Petty: You are right it is about a HEALTHY relationship and RESPECT for each others thoughts and feelings. If you don't have that and you have anger and things on either side there is a problem.

    I personally Thank God Thunder is like he is and we don't have this problem/

  • pettygrudger

    Good point Sheila - sometimes either party could be withholding sex as a punishment towards their partner, making sex a symptom of much larger miss-understandings.

    I know women "tend" (just generalizing) to equate love w/sex, while men just equate w/physical pleasure. Perhaps the points she was trying to make is that women should not be withholding sex as a control tool? (which would make obvious sense). BUT, to make a blanket statement that a woman should have sex everytime a man wants it, without looking at the individual relationship is absurd.

    But the same should work for both sexes - and like Sheila said - respect is key. And why I'm on this computer discussing this issue, instead of in bed w/dh now that jr's asleep - egads!

  • Aztec

    I would give it up on demand as long as my SO would do the same...sick, tired, depressed...who cares, I want it, I need it! I excpect the same, selfish response if I can dish it out. Screw "Dr." Laura! Very few couples can handle that kind of pressure. She isn't completely wrong on all of her views but she is a bit unrealistic. I think she's a bit conservative and therefore a bit biased. I'll take the opinion of someone who is a bit more moderate into account before her ramblings...


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Love your avatar Aztec.

    Hey I'm pretty darn conservative and I think she's full of it. She makes the case for not having a steady relationship

    My parents have a great relationship so I know relationships aren't all bad. It sounds like some of you here don't have problems in that area. I enjoy the relationship stage where you can't wait to get to it.

  • SanFranciscoJim

    According to a 1999 salon.com article on "Doctor" (and the terme is used very loosely!) Laura:

    "'Dr.' Laura Schlessinger's former boyfriend, Bill Ballance (the same fellow who snapped the nudie pics that have come back to haunt her) has divulged bits of personal info about her to an unauthorized biographer. 'Dr.' Laura, according to Ballance, has a chronic dandruff problem, about which she is tremendously embarrassed. Ballance claims that he once told her while dining in a fancy restaurant that a whole cloud of her head flakage had floated into his soup."

    This likely explains why she wasn't "getting it" with any regularity. Who wants to find themselves covered in someone else's dandruff! Disgusting!

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Well Jim what do you want to be covered with???

  • maybesbabies

    That woman just gives me the heebie-jeebies! That's equivalent to saying rape is OK, because the man wanted it! It makes me sad to see women actually try to set womens rights back a few centuries!

  • Panda

    I'm with Joannadandy. If it goes both ways NOOOO Problem. That means even if the ballgame is on, or some nastycar crunch, right guys? It's okay to demand sex ? Well doesn't that depend on who's holding the whip?

    Dr.Laura would make a great dub. Everything is black and white to her...been there...

  • Scully

    "Dr" Laura apparently is a convert to Orthodox Judaism under the tutelage of Rabbi Bulka who leads the Orthodox Synagogue here in Ottawa.

    Her "opinion" (remember, that's all it is... like other things... everybody has one) seems to be gravitating more toward the Pauline admonition to "not deprive each other of it". I find it an interesting contrast that neither the Talmud nor the Torah espouse the view that a woman should give sex to her husband whenever he demands it. Judaism regards sex between mates as a mitzvah or a holy duty. The emphasis is on "giving" to the partner, not taking it from them. Other mitzvot include things like providing for the needy, being charitable, etc. They carry the connotation of "good deeds".

    However, for the very strict factions of Orthodox Judaism, husband and wife may not have skin-to-skin contact, except for intercourse. Even then, the "deed" is done with a sheet between them, an opening in the sheet allows for intercourse to occur.

    That's not exactly my idea of a good time.

    Love, Scully

  • smack

    On demand??????????? Gimme a break, half the fun is earning it


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