I am a Jehovah?s witness that has had a lot of doubts the past 5 or 6 months. I don?t know where to turn or what to do. I have given my all to Jehovah and am scared that if this is not the truth then where will I go. There has been a lot of changes that really disturb me. I know this isn?t much to go on, but I don?t want to get found out coming to this website asking these kind of questions. Thank you in advance, Confused.
Well here goes nothing........
by What The....... 42 Replies latest jw friends
What the-A great big welcome to you! Glad you found the board. Glad we all did. Most of us play nice here. Hope to hear more from you
Welcome What The...
There's lots to see on this site and a lot of folks that can relate to what you've told about yourself so far. I'm just on the welcoming committee but hang around for a bit and you'll find some help on here I'm sure.
have given my all to Jehovah and am scared that if this is not the truth then where will I go.
I can relate to your statement above. My mom, dad and myself all asked ourselves that question! Especially after we learned about the sexual molestations occurring in the Kingdom Hall's across the globe! I would highly recommend you read the book, Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz, as it puts everything you learned as a JW into perspective.
Hi whatthe
It's like stepping off the edge of a cliff, what you're doing. Like indianna jones in that temple movie, when he stepped off into emptiness, he was surprised to feel himself standing on something solid still. As you research and possibly shed some beliefs, where you end up philosophically, no one knows. But, it will be a place that is both less, and more, at the same time.
all I can say is go slow, you are not going to like what you will find out about the CCJW.
if this is not the truth then where will I go?
Jesus, silly.
if it is not the truth then how can you stay?
What the...
OMG, I was in your very same shoes not long ago... you're scared, you're sick, and you don't know what to do.
Let me tell you.... they are NOT the truth. I invested my whole life, as did many others here into bible teachings that are flawed at they're very roots. OMG, I used to believe so much in the preaching work... armageddon... leaving everything into god's hands... I gave my life to them and what did I get?
Emotionally abused.
Keep asking questions, keep thinking, keep using your god-given common sense... that is all that you need to do. Common sense will get you through the teaching aspect... the emotional hurt is quite some other story. That is why there are discussion boards like this here.
You are totally safe here... just do not divulge any personal information about yourself, and nobody will ever know. Don't be scared, and ask questions! Don't let people cram their teachings down your throat anymore without seeing both sides of the fence.
I think of the journey that you are about to take and I feel happy; happy because you will truly be set free. Free from teachings that tear down rather than build up... Free for worry of a god that looks to kill you at the slightest act of disobedience... Free from the relentless gossip in Kindom Halls... Free to live your life and be happy.
I don?t know where to turn or what to do.
Welcome Whathe.....,
Your above statement was the feeling most of us here had when we also had doubts. If you don't find what your looking for here....I'll bet you'll at least be directed where you might find what you need
Yes, yes,
Read the book Crisis Of Concience by Raymond Franz. It will help you to understand what really goes on with the governing body.
The brothers tell you there is no place to go. They want you to believe that so you will be too scared to leave. There are plenty of places to go. You will find the one that is comfortable for you. There are thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, millions? who have left the Watchtower Org. Lot's of your brothers and sisters have the same doubts you do. Why don't you know about them? Because they are afraid of being disfellowshipped for voicing them just like you are.
Just stay anonymous here for now. Ask questions. Learn. You have lots of fellow feeling here on the net. We ex JWs don't always have those still in the org. but we do have each other. We still have that common bond of once having been JWs.
Also, there are others here who are just like you. Some of them are still going to meetings and in good standing. You have company in the boat.
Heather S. II
if this is not the truth then where will I go
First, Welcome!
Second... one of my favorite movies that reminds me of the thw JWs is Pleasantville. You should go rent it. In Chapter 20 of the DVD they start asking the question: "What's outside of Pleasantville?" The people have been in Pleasantville for so long that they have no idea of what else there is. There entire life is Pleasantville, it is all they know.
One of the characters who was pulled into Pleasantville from the outside answers the question: "There are some places where the road does not go in a circle... There are some places where the road just keeps on going."
This is what you will find outside of the JWs. You are no longer going in circles... more study... more field service... more meetings... more assemblies... The end is near! The end is near! The end is near... over and over and over. When you leave the JWs you will start to realize that there is so much more out there to be explored.