Your Favorite Scary Movie?

by Valis 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • m0nk3y

    "The Entity" really freaked me out after I watched it .. I was afraid to be alone in a room for a couple of nights afterwards. It's fairly old .. I think it was made in the late 70's - early 80's .. track it down .. it's quite good for an oldie. I still wanna know how they do that invisible hands special effect.


  • talesin

    How about these two classics?

    Whatever Happened to BabyJane?


    Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte

  • Mac

    "She's got Betty Davis Eyes"


  • Flowerpetal

    I think Stephen King's books scare me more than any movies do. I liked Needful Things, the book. My son saw The Ring and it scared him to death, but when I watched it, it didn't do a thing for me in the scare dept.

  • SiouxWoman

    I adore scary movies, but of all my faves Psycho the first is it

  • Valis

    Welcome to the board Siouxwoman!...Nice to meet you.

    Has anyone seen the new Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde 2002 w/John Hannah and David Warner? Great rendition IMO.

    Oh and Dorian Grey is another good one...old but good...kind of like shutterbug...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • Zoewrex

    Have to agree the TV version of the Shining was MUCH better and creepy.

    Creepiest movies - The Dark Secrets of Harvet Home (NBC - 1978ish); Prince of Darkness; What Lies Beneath; The Others

    Slasher favs - Halloween

    Traditionals - Young Frankenstein (Frankenschteeeen); ANY Abott & Costello Flicks

  • tinkerbell82

    When i was a kid, The Fog and When A Stranger Calls (have you checked the chilllllldren?? ;) ) FREAKED me out. i also vaguely remember a scary movie i watched when i was really young called "Let's Scare Jessica to Death"...i remember it being really frightening, but if i watched it now i'd probably think it sucked :P

  • orangefatcat

    All three Hannibal Lector movies and What Lies Beneath, The Pit and the Pendulum, The Picture of Dorian Gray. Carrie, Exorcist, Seven, Copy Cat, 10 Little Indians ( the origanl version). The House of Usher, well these are just a few of my faves. I love scary movies. And thrillers.

    Happy Halloween/

    Orangefatcatloves ya

  • AnnOMaly

    The Ring (Japanese version). Seriously creepy.

    (Excuse me, gotta go and answer the phone ...)

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