Your Favorite Scary Movie?

by Valis 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    The Haunting - especially the bit where she unknowingly holds the ghost's hand *shiver!*

    Jaws - the head out of the boat bit! (the ONLY scene from a film that has ever gotten me out of my seat!)

    Final Destination was one of the few films that played on my mind for days afterwards.

    Saw The Ring last week and was bored to death with it. Not really into horror/ghost films, they don't rock my boat usually, though I did like Sixth Sense.

  • Ghosthunter

    I LOVE scary movies! Imagine that! My favorite? Session 9 with David Caruso. If you are into horror, supernatural, creepy, etc, this movie is a MUST. You may have to look for it, but most Blockbusters have it.

    I will have to admit that not a lot of movies actually scare me, but among my favorites are Poltergeist, The Shining (I know the TV version follows the book a lot closer, but I have to agree that no one puts terror in my heart like Jack Nicholson with an ax), Exorcist I and Exorcist III (seriously creepy movie). The original Halloween scared the crap out of me when I was a teenager. I'll also admit that The Ring was the first movie to make me jump in a very long time. That girl coming out of the TV about made me come unglued!

    Forever looking for that real supernatural experience......

  • petespal2002

    The Others. And The Changeling.

  • Dimples

    I like:

    Stir of Echos: Kevin Bacon

    The Others : Nicole Kidman

    House of wax: Vincent Price

    One that I remember that scared the sh** out of me when I was a kid....Trilogy of Terror with Karen Black. That little african doll gave me nightmares. Any one remember that one? They made a sequel but I haven't seen that one yet.


  • orangefatcat

    I watched, The Changeling on TV the other night with George C Scott. Wow what a scary movie that was too. I couldn',t leave the room until it was over..

    Also there was another good movie I've enjoyed is the Skulls and Skulls 2


  • Gozz

    Saw the Texas Chainsaw Massacres: some people are very sick.

    The Exorcist: not really scary; Karass vs the demon discussion was interesting though

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