Your Favorite Scary Movie?

by Valis 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • elamona

    The Exorcist-couldn't sleep good for months. Still sleep with a small night light on because of that movie.

    Have attempted to watch it many times (trying to desentize myself) but still have never been able to watch the whole movie in one sitting. I cover my eyes and ears so much I've never seen the whole thing. Guess it was and is so scary to me because the movie was based on a true story. The book came out in the 70's and I read it when it came out but the book didn't scare me. Could not visualize what I saw in the movie. The movie put into pictures what my mind could not comprehend and "see" when I read the book. Does that make sense to you?

    Alien, The Thing (both versions), and Aliens were terrific movies. Although not a horror movie, The Creature From The Black Lagoon was a very good monster movie in it's day. Incredibly good special effects for it's day. The creature was very real looking.

  • Enishi

    The Ring is one of the scariest movies I've seen in a very long time. It gets under your skin on a psychological level.

    The movie that scared me the most though was without a doubt Night of the Living Dead, the old one. I saw it when I was only 7 years old, and God did it ever scare me! I used to have nightmares about that movie for months. The boy I saw it with did a splended job of running in the fear too, he kept telling me all these stories about a man who was buried alive in his basement. Just the concept alone was enough to terrify me. Being slowly eaten alive by zombies would have to be one of the most grisly ways to die imaginable.

    Of course, now I think its silly.

  • AnnOMaly
    The movie that scared me the most though was without a doubt Night of the Living Dead

    Hey Enishi!

    Hubby's favorite movie! He says the trilogy ('Night of...' 'Dawn of...' and 'Day of...') is unsurpassed.

    I've never seen it myself. I prefer Things and Aliens busting out of ppl's guts, personally.

  • Enishi
    Hey Enishi!

    Hubby's favorite movie! He says the trilogy ('Night of...' 'Dawn of...' and 'Day of...') is unsurpassed.

    I've never seen it myself. I prefer Things and Aliens busting out of ppl's guts, personally.

    I heard that they're doing a remake for Dawn of the Dead.

    Speaking of zombie movies, I once saw Return of the Living Dead. The very next day, I made the horrible mistake of talking about it to the witnesses in my car group. Boy, did I ever get flayed!

  • DanTheMan

    MST3K fans will enjoy this one - definitely among the worst movies ever made:


  • FlyingHighNow

    Scary movies:

    Not necessarily favorites but on the scary factor:

    I could not sit through Alien. I will not sit through Alien. That creature freaks me out.

    Hell Raiser was pretty darn scary.

    Jason and the Argonauts: I was a little kid when I saw it and when Jason throws the teeth of the hydra down and the animated skeletons spring up and come at him with shields and swords and they clack and clatter....well I'm still scared of animated skeletons to this day. Someone mentioned The House On Haunted Hill with Vincent Price. I was around three years old when I saw it. When the skeleton came out of the vat of acid and grabbed the guy, that scared me nearly to death and added to my fear of the animated skeleton. Just the title of the movie The Screaming Skull scares me.

    Night of the Living Dead. Both versions.

    Not as scary, but movies I liked:

    Rosemary's Baby

    Harold and Maude / I saw it at 13 at the art theater when it was new. It's still a favorite and if you are into dark humor with a powerful message and also like Cat Stevens music and hearses you should see this cult classic.

    Oblong Box with Vincent Price....a creepy and fun Saturday matinee for 25 cents plus snacks.

    Talesin: Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte. I love that movie. And Olivia De Haviland, the former Melanie from GWTW was the villian against type and Bette Davis against type was the sweet if strange character.. Bruce Dern got quite a pain in the neck, didn't he? Agnes Moorehead played a good role in the movie, too.Gotta love Endora. I also liked Baby Jane. Charlotte I liked better. I am from the south and love old south movies, even when they are inaccurate.

    The People Under The Stairs was kinda creepy.


  • xandra360

    I saw the Exorcist for the first time this evening, it was screened on Channel 4. It was disturbing in parts, but I don't think I'll be losing any sleep over it.


  • SanFranciscoJim
    MST3K fans will enjoy this one - definitely among the worst movies ever made:

    Huzzah! Methinks I've spied another MSTie!!

    How's this for scary??

  • City Fan
    City Fan

    I finally managed to see 'The Ring' (Japanese version) last night.

    The rest of the family had gone to bed, it was quite stormy outside so I turned all the lights off and started to watch it.

    I knew it was beginning to creep me out when I had to turn the lights up a bit half way through the film. Thought it was really good and would recommend it. It was a good change to some of the special effects type horror films out recently.

  • gaiagirl

    I also vote 'What Lies Beneath' for scarey movie, at least lately. Michelle Pfeiffers performance was memorable. And I'll never watch Indiana Jones in 'quite' the same light again. I watched it on a recent network broadcast, and during the three hours the film was airing, they interrupted it for no less than 125 commercials! I know because I counted and marked them on a notepad! Now I remember why I usually rent or buy discs.

    On Halloween evening, I watched 'The Craft', pretty good movie about 4 girls in Catholic school experimenting with witchcraft. The movie had a lot of inaccuracies, and seemed to be more Goth than most pagans, even most witches. However they did stress the widely held belief about 'whatever you do will come back to you three times over'. Fairuza Balk's portrayal of the 'bad girl' of the foursome was exceedingly well done.


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