Going through a painful Divorce

by caspian 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Cas, I read all the books on how it was going to take at least a year to get through any painful loss, such as divorce.

    Well, since I'm a smart rat, and I know things, I decided to work extra hard and show how I could do it in less.

    Since I worked so hard and kept pulling myself off of the floor each time and trying again, I managed to make it last two years, all because I didn't give myself the time I needed, and put additional pressure on myself to be superhuman.

    Just take the time you need. The physical and emotional processes of grief and loss are well understood, and explained in many excellent books. It's taking the time that is hard for some of us. Read some of these books, go esy on yourself, and know you'll come out the other side.



  • laylaluv


    I can empathize with you. My divorce was in 1997. Unfortunately, I still have to put up with my x-husband (we have two sons together). When someone asks me now if I am married I reply, "No I am HAPPILY divorced". (Just a little humor)

    However, it does get easier. It is a grieving process. Eventually, you will feel much better and you will see that your life will go on. This chapter in your life will close and who knows what is in store for you!!

    Hugs to you-Laylaluv

  • Sassy

    I remember a friend telling me when I got divorced that she read an article that talked about traumatic things that happen in our lives, death of loved one, loss of job, divorce, etc.. that one should try and refrain from making any major decisions for one year. (i.e., new marriage, new job, move, etc.)

  • gumby

    Time heals.

    Take care and hang tough bud


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