Having been the subject of one of those vicious threads over there recently, I know how you feel. And I've seen many of my dear friends trashed over there as well lately, along with many attempts to discredit decent people with anything they can think of -including outright lies.
And Phantom is right and Hillary Step said something similar last week. A few weeks ago you could have shot a cannon through that place. There was noone there for them to talk to. So, go on the attack and they will come. Either the person being attacked will come or someone on their behalf and viola !-people to talk to or fight with. After all, just like small children with behavioral problems- bad attention is better than no attention at all.
You are a kind and caring woman and one of the most respected on this board. And you enjoy things they cannot - true friendships and good family relationships. And it pisses them off -not about you but about them. It's their own self-hatred being projected outward- not anything real about anyone being attacked.
For some, they are so obsessed with JWD and Simon because they can't post here anymore. It's their own doing caused by their own behavior but they choose not to see that. They say they don't care but then day and night reading the posts over here and cutting and pasting posts and commenting. No one would invest that kind of time on something they "don't care about"
(((((((((hugs))))))))) to all of those who have been trashed over there. And ((Valis))-thank you!
"this too shall pass" --- thing is, they'll end up having only each other to trash.