Have You Had Any "Blessings" Since You've Left The Truth?

by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Once you realize that a "loving God" doesn't work this way, it's not too difficult to see thru the veiled threats. The Catholics (my family's original background) view everything as either heaven( blessing) or "punishment".

  • FlyingHighNow

    One of the nicest blessings is that the world has become big, complex and beautifully mysterious again.

    I love people and now the majority of them are not a danger or off limits anymore.

    I get to watch TV, read books, listen to music, any kind I want and not feel the slightest bit of concern or guilt.

    I can laugh at off color jokes and not worry I'm going to be struck by a giant bolt of lightening.

    I have a wonderful relationship with a wonderful man who is NOT a JW. Yes, indeed, men and women can communicate and no it doesn't have to be a constant power struggle and competition between them. They can be friends and laugh, dance and sing and all sorts of groovy things without some old Bethel dudes trying to make them feel guilty or worried or ashamed.

    I can tell my kids to stay far away from JWs and this thrills them. I can teach my grandson the "Now I lay me down to sleep." prayer my mamma taught me as a child.

    Not worrying about saying good luck or being superstitious about the demons is wonderful.

    So many blessings, so little time.


  • wednesday

    (((Heather))) i loved your list. made me happy just reading it.


  • Poztate

    I have been blessed daily by being able to read "questions from Minimus"

  • FlyingHighNow


    I'm so happy my list made you happy. This is the second good news I got this weekend. The first was a good evaluation at work and a good attitude from my boss.

    I felt my whole face and body smile when I read your reply. Thank you so much.


  • Carmel

    Oh yes! Jesus came to me in the middle of my state finals freethrow contest and comforted me! You see, four of us tied for first place and there were only three trophies. Guess who took forth place in the shoot off? Yes Jesus blessed me with near sightedness.

    caveman of the most-blessed class

  • bebu
    "GREAT! Jehovah has really been blessing me!"

    That will surely confuse them, orobus!

    Heather, that's a beautiful list!


  • FlyingHighNow
    Heather, that's a beautiful list!

    Thank you, Bebu.

    "GREAT! Jehovah has really been blessing me!"

    I love this. Can I use it, too??You get a


  • Sassy

    YES YES YES.. which is why I know that that wasn't the Truth.. or why would I upon leaving keep finding myself so blessed???

    The man in my life who came AFTER I left JWs.. is awesome. Isn't my life supposed to go to hell or something? but nope.. I am happier now than I have been in my ENTIRE life!

  • shamus

    What on earth do you mean by "blessing"??? Blessing?? It sounds like you still got a bit-o-dub in you yet, Mini.

    I am leaning toward what Iwas before... hating religion in general. Do you mean by some kind of god??? I dunno what you mean.

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