I've gotten a much better job, a huge house, big a## car and free time!!!!!!
Have You Had Any "Blessings" Since You've Left The Truth?
by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends
I have experienced many blessings since leaving the JW's.
First of all I recieved salvation and now have Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Second I have the Body of Christ, to enjoy fellowship with other Christians.
I now am closer to my "worldly" relatives. I started an exjw group on yahoo and have met many exjw's and have even had the opportunity to help others "out".
I have had the priviledge of meeting and becoming friends with Paul Blizard and his family. See:http://www.watchthetower.com
I have a peace in my life that is unexplainable. I am blessed that I do not have to get up on some cold saturday morning to go out in the Field Ministry.
If I miss church, I don't piss anyone off. Oh I guess I could go on and on about the blessings that I have since Jumping over the walls of the Watchtower.
I'm a cancer survivor... got married to really great guy two years ago... life is so much better.
The local JW's in the community I live in see me here and there at work and shopping. They try to keep that straight sober face and shun me since my resignation from the congregation earlier this year. I belong to nice christian church now that does not encourage in anyway having poor manners by not greeting life long friends in passing. I always greet the witnesses and say "hello how are you?" much to my amazement the soberness on thier faces gives way to a hearty smile and greeting back. They are so starved for loving kindness and non-judgemental love that the bible teaches christians to have, they are actually very relieved to not have to participate in the shunning. I do not engage them. I have shown them unconditional christian love and manners and move on. What has your experience been?
I don't see df'd ones too often but I have no problem treating them like a human being. Sadly, JW's don't know how to treat people "lovingly" except their own----and that is very suspect, too.
Since I left the Watchtower Organization, I now can meet and appreciate other people on an equal basis, w/ no fear, no immediate involuntary "accusations" or assessments of their character (as if I could possibly know on sight!); I approach each day without the dread I had felt for decades; I can interact w/ other people in a natural way, without having to "check" myself on every single thing I think, say, and do; I now pray easily and w/ assurance; I am now actually excited about the Bible, now that I can read an accurate translation, and by itself, without all the sludge in the Watchtower shading and masking the wonderful message of love and Christian freedom that is prevalent in the New Testament.
I can now fully enjoy the beautiful, meaningful old hymns that I've always loved and hummed and sung, when I thought I wouldn't be caught by the Watchtower Spies - especially Amazing Grace.
I now see God as a Loving Father, and not as the harsh taskmaster of the Watchtower.
This thread just reminded me of a funny thing that my fiance said to someone. He met a local JW in the street who immediately came over to him and started telling him about how he should return to the "truth" because armageddon isn't far away (and if he didn't return he would die at armageddon).
Anyway, the guy then said " Remember XXXX family in the congregation? All but one of them have been brought into the truth "
To which my fiance replied " Well, at least one of them is happy "
The JW walked away in disgust....
Super point, Chickennest! I will try to use that loving method when I see them! You're absolutely right! I won't fall in line with their view of who I am and what "state" I'm in - since they're completely wrong, and maybe it will be more comfortable for everyone. Besides, I DO want to be kind. And maybe it will sink in with some of them. In all the 32 years of my unfortunate involvement in the Watchtower Org, I ALWAYS smiled at and greeted any disfellowshipped ones I came across. They did not make me uncomfortable. I just never bought into the cruelty of the shunning arrangement. When the jackass elders tried to get me to stop even sitting with and associating with my own young son at the Kingdom Hall, I went ballistic. (But not in their presence.) That was the beginning of the end of my confinement, so to speak. I just waited till he was finally reinstated, then after the Memorial I stopped attending all together. What a wonderful blessing it has been to stop associating with such an unloving, absurd group of people.
Best wishes and love to all.
tazmaniac: I felt exactly the same way!
deep down inside I never never thought I was gonna "make it" through armageddon anyway
The freedom now is indescribable. I guess one of the biggest blessings, besides many of the ones already mentioned by others, is gratitude - I am so grateful to finally be me, to find out who I am, what my genuine interests are, formulate my own beliefs, be friends with whom I choose, based on their character and not on arbitrary rules defined by the borg - the list can go on and on!
I enjoy your threads. Here is a great example of encouraging us to think in a non-dub way ...
I think it helps us to heal from the harmful dub-isms that enslaved us for so long.
I figure You are a blessing!
Aside from you, I have other blessings, Minimus ...
CZAR wrote:
I now have three times as many Bible studies, and have doubled my RV's - with a 100 percent increase in WT placements since last month alone. And I have a new peak of meeting attendance.
Okay .... seriously though ... here is a smattering of blessings I have been experiencing ...
1. Freedom to believe what works for me, instead of accepting spoon-fed wts pablum
2. Freedom to participate with other family members in celebrating life and holidays
3. Freedom of guilt for feeling pleasure and happiness
4. Greatly improved physical and emotional health and energy
5. Great new location to live
6. Great new life with friends who provide unconditional friendship and support when needed
7. Wonderful new dance partner / sweety
8. Love the sleeping in, especially with my new sweety ... hehehe!!
9. Free to talk to my neighbours and anybody else I want to without feeling afraid that they will persecute or hurt me
10. Free to choose my own entertainment and social outlets, without criticism or judgment
11. Let go of "fear of demons" "fear of a punishing gawd" and other useless fearsMinimus...what you said, "When you do well, it's a shock! Apostates and inactive ones are supposed to be miserable." is true. It confuses the heck outta the dubs. I love it!!!
Xena ...I luuuuurve your comment: "My futures so bright I gotta wear shades" ROFL!!!