Truth, Justice, and the American Way

by D8TA 85 Replies latest social current

  • Simon
    I have been informed that my horrible behavior here is not welcomed nor will be tolerated any longer.

    Really? Who said this?

    As proof of the seriousness of my sins my posting limits are greatly reduced. I have already mentioned this earlier but my posts were deleted. No profantiy in those posts but I suppose this is how private reproof works.

    Your post was not deleted for that but because it was complaining that people were allowed to attack you because someone called you "childish" on the very topic where you had been calling other people name (asshole).

    This post will be deleted.

    I guess that means you are wrong about something else.

    It's ok to call my president an asshole. It's ok to call me stupid. It's ok to call a conservative anything but do not respond in kind or you'll be booted off.

    Wrong. It's ok to discuss things in a sensible way and to be critical of people in public office. It has nothing to do with being conservative or not (did you know I was a member of the conservative party?). I've deleted posts and people for making comments about certain republicans.

    Aztec let's be honest. Simon posts a thread about cutting back on political threads and then posts on a thread where he refers to our president as an asshole. I respond in kind and get hammered for it.

    You didn't reply in kind ... if you want to say that our Prime Minister is an asshole then be my guest . What you can't do is go round insulting other people on the forum and I should get the same consideration that everyone else gets I think.

  • avishai
    Give me a break, we all know what's wrong and what needs to be fixed, we simply disagree with how to go about it. There are enough people in this world who list problems without listing solutions. This website is filled with that type.

    EXCELLENT!!! There are WAYYYYYY to many people here who want to jump on the partisan bandwagon. We forget things. Like that it was liberals that continued the war in vietnam, it was a crooked conservative who got us out. Lots of environmental bills have been passed by REPUBLICANS. Arnold Schwarzenegger, my governor, is way more liberal, than say, Joe Lieberman. There are way to many blaming, blanket statements from everyone on this thread. It's not all black & white. Knock off the name calling, people, it just sounds stupid. Even if I felt Stacy were totally wrong, which I have in the past, would insulting her by bringing up her age really help her come around to your point of view? NO. Is it a valid way to prove your argument? No, it makes you look stupid & immature against a young but articulate & intelligen individual. One who obviously thinks for herself, because lets face it. Being conservative & young & in college is'nt exactly "popular". Being openly bi-sexual is'nt exactly popular w/ the conservative folks either. Use facts if you feel you have them. Not name calling, it makes y'all look small.

    Oh, one more. It was the conservatives that were anti-war in the late '30's-early-40's. It was a liberal who helped save Englands ass. With his best friend, the conservative Churchill who said "If you are not a liberal at age 20, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative by age 40, you have no brain."

  • Simon

    Isn't the whole problem though that people decide whether they want to support something or not based on who has suggested it and the political part involved rather than on the strengths or weaknesses of the act itself?

    People assume that if you opposed the war, that you must be a democrat or a 'commie leftie' (if you still live in 1960 or comic book land) when in fact, you could be all for war in the right circumstances and just think it's the wrong option in this case or all other avenues haven't been explored.

  • avishai

    My point exaclty, people tend to root for their team, rather than what' is likely best. And then call the others team names. Kind of like when I call the lakers the sucko lakers, even though they have a better record than the kings. KINGS RULE!!!!!

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Well thank you D8ta for helping me to prove my point to Aztec. A liberal can insult anyone they want while a conservative on this site has to be polite.

    Simon you break your own posting guidelines daily and allow any liberal to do the same. You are so onesided that it's laughable. Who told me that I wasn't welcomed or appreciated any longer? You did yourself.

    This site isn't worth my time any longer. I'm sick of it.

    How many conservatives did you censor recently Simon? How many conservatives have you taken away the ability to even post a single topic a day now? You should be ashamed of yourself Simon. I suggest you admit to yourself that it isn't how a person that presents the message that is important to you but instead it's the message itself.

    This place is starting to remind me of the society. A place I wasn't allowed to express myself. Well I was sick of the society and now I'm sick of you.

  • stillajwexelder

    Please do not leave Stacy - I need support from people like you -- us right wing conservatives are few in number as it is without you leaving. All I will say is the WTBTS is so right wing and conservative that the majority on this board have swung the other way and become bleeding heart liberal-democrats --I do understand that and their swing to liberal -democrats. So please do not leave - -I know the Reagan and Bush bashing gets to you -- it pisses me off also -- we should all direct our energies for reform of the WTBTS instead

  • Simon


    Who told me that I wasn't welcomed or appreciated any longer? You did yourself.

    Seeing as you have accused me of something, I think I will past my PMs to you so that people can make up their own mind about what you are saying.

    You said you wanted me to make a big public announcement (or 'reproof' as you put it) to 'make an example of you' so that 'all would know what a lousy association you really were'

    I replied

    yes, of course ... and then you will start bleating that it's some "public reproof"

    I stand by everything I said and I'm not going to start playing silly games with you. Post properly if you want to or don't post at all. It's up to you and frnakly, I don't care either way.

    (You then claimed your remark was tongue in cheek)

    My next response was:

    Honestly stacy, I hate disagreeing with people (no, really ... I do ! LOL)

    I disagree with you about politics that's for sure but I don't dislike you and I appreciate you being passionate about things ... even Bush.

    My aim in doing anything is to try and keep the forum friendly and balanced. Really, that's the driver for most of the things we do. I know you're probably angry and annoyed over me doing what I did but I just try and keep things ticking over as well as I can and I don't mean to aggrevate people on purpose (it's just a gift I have).

    - Simon
    I allow people to express their political opinion but when they start being insulting and coming here just to argue politics and nothing else then I reserve the right to limit the amount they can post. That is not what the forum is here for.
  • logansrun

    How about that new Stacey avatar!! LOL


  • SixofNine

    This just about sums up the problem:

    Avishai said:

    EXCELLENT!!! There are WAYYYYYY to many people here who want to jump on the partisan bandwagon.

    And then, jumping on the partisan bandwagon, he said:

    We forget things. Like that it was liberals that continued the war in vietnam, it was a crooked conservative who got us out. Lots of environmental bills have been passed by REPUBLICANS. Arnold Schwarzenegger, my governor, is way more liberal, than say, Joe Lieberman. There are way to many blaming, blanket statements from everyone on this thread. It's not all black & white. Knock off the name calling, people, it just sounds stupid. Even if I felt Stacy were totally wrong, which I have in the past, would insulting her by bringing up her age really help her come around to your point of view? NO. Is it a valid way to prove your argument? No, it makes you look stupid & immature against a young but articulate & intelligen individual. One who obviously thinks for herself, because lets face it. Being conservative & young & in college is'nt exactly "popular". Being openly bi-sexual is'nt exactly popular w/ the conservative folks either. Use facts if you feel you have them. Not name calling, it makes y'all look small.

    Oh, one more. It was the conservatives that were anti-war in the late '30's-early-40's. It was a liberal who helped save Englands ass. With his best friend, the conservative Churchill who said "If you are not a liberal at age 20, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative by age 40, you have no brain."

    Human nature I suppose, I'm not calling you out Avishai, just making a point. Just about anyone can see how silly partisanism is, but seeing it as silly and stupid seems to do very little to stop it within ourselves. We bluster forward (backward?), horribly abusing the words "conservative" and "liberal" just as surely as a Jehovah's Witness abuses the word "truth".

    Conservatives aren't the least bit conservative. Liberals aren't really all that liberal.

    But Wes Clark is by far the most qualified man to lead the free world in a time of true crisis.

  • blacksheep

    To the original poster: of late I've heard more shrill, non-solution geared carping from many liberals. It is those folks who seem to be generating the most negative energy, who seem to see crazy flag-waving conservatives around every corner shouting "US is the BEEESSST!" Simply a ridiculous caricature of people who are forced to defend some US decisions on virtually every international front, basically on anything at all. They really offer no solutions other than just be nice and cooperate with everybody.

    Additionally, I personally find your veiled support of terrorist actions and retaliation on the US and other nations is shocking. Keeping score as to who started it first and who deserves having innocent people from their nation killed or injured is childlike logic and again, solves absolutely nothing.

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