Truth, Justice, and the American Way

by D8TA 85 Replies latest social current

  • Aztec

    Still, I suggest you take a class on critical thinking. You're sorely lacking in it.

    Who's to say that Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse weren't lovers?


  • stillajwexelder

    Yes whatever you say -- who gives a shit

  • Aztec

    I give a shit. You are overreacting Still! This is not a personal attack on you but on your ability to decipher the differance between fact and fiction and react to it. Critical thinking is a good thing. Try it.


  • logansrun


    La la la la....I can't hear you

    Bradley >fingers in ears.

  • expatbrit

    OMG Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse were lovers?!?!?! Poor Minnie! No wonder she spent so much time with Pluto.

    Aztec, patience is a virtue!

    PS: yes, I think that in the grand sweeps of history, the individual is mostly irrelevant. Would the 13 colonies still be under British control if George Washington had choked on a fishbone at 13? If Jesus had died as an infant, would a new religion never have started during that era? I think that those things would have happened anyway, just involving different individuals. Nevertheless, they were the ones, and so credit is due for what they did do.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    same ol same ol

    some things will never change here.

  • Aztec

    Bradley, grow up sweetheart!

    Expat, I have no patience!

    Would the 13 colonies still be under British control if George Washington had choked on a fishbone at 13?

    Unlikely as there were many upset at the British government.

    If Jesus had died as an infant, would a new religion never have started during that era


    I think that those things would have happened anyway, just involving different individuals. Nevertheless, they were the ones, and so credit is due for what they did do.

    I agree with you you sloth.

    I'm scared! Someone hold me!


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I don't credit Reagan with that much of a role, actually - I think the internal frictional losses of the corrupt Soviet economy and TV exporting the American way of life consumption that were the greatest forces.

  • expatbrit


    The Cato Institute has some interesting stuff:

    For economics:

    Some of it I don't agree with, so those bits must be wrong.


  • Aztec
    same ol same ol

    some things will never change here

    Most likely not Stacy. But I think if you want to honestly weigh in with your opinion I would like to hear it. I probably won't agree but I like to hear differing opinions.


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