Truth, Justice, and the American Way

by D8TA 85 Replies latest social current

  • Bendrr

    Six, what was Bill Clinton's response to the first bombing of the World Trade Center? He was offered Osama Bin Laden and what happened? What was his response to the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole? What was his response to the slaughter of the soldiers in Mogadishu?

    If what we're seeing now in Iraq and Afghanistan is partial and distracted, well that serves notice to the world that we can deliver major ass-whoopins with one hand tied behind our backs and one eye covered.

    What would Bill Clinton have done after 9/11? Bombed another aspirin factory or Chinese embassy? Who knows? He was too busy getting his bobo honked in the White House. Besides, it's a matter of public record that he "loathed the military" (his own words).


  • Aztec

    ((((((((((Group hug)))))))))

    J/K but, I'm trying!

    Everyone go to their corners and think about what they just said!


  • donkey

    Face the truth:

    • Offense is found in the eye of the beholder.
    • The beholder is who they are as a result of their environment and/or past experiences.
    • What offends me might not offend you
    • What I say as a result of who I am might offend you
    • What you say as a result of who you are and what you believe in might offend me.

    It all comes down to how deeply we represent things to ourselves. The fact that you even claim to be leftist might offend my conservative values so much that you are instantly on my "dislike" list.

    Now some will counter that "Donkey has no values" to which I will counter "values are pointless". When you analyze it all everything is an exercise in arbitrariness with some individuals or groups drawing artifical lines of right and wrong. Get suffiently close to either side of the line and your values become indistinguishable although you are nevertheless on some side of the line. Then others have the line in a different place. But this is all philosophical - just my views on all this twaddle. Go on pick on me - you can unite against me as the common enemy for saying you leftists and you rightists and you centrists and you extremists are all just full of hot air which is non factual and just seems right to YOU because of the meaning which YOU give it.

    Donkey - who is watching a bunch of parading prima donna's claim that red is better than blue and blue is better than red when they are all just a bunch of pinkies.

  • SixofNine
    well that serves notice to the world that we can deliver major ass-whoopins with one hand tied behind our backs and one eye covered.

    And yet somehow we are no more safe than we were 2 years ago September. The macho posturing is lame, tired, and put simply, the expressions of frightened people. I have a daughter, and I don't want her future fucked by boys who grew up on a diet of hollywood and nintendo, with a lust for bullets and brown skinned blood.

  • D8TA

    YES! Now we are on track! Now, MOST of us, sttill a few stragglers. * cough Stacy Smith cough Black Sheep *

    THIS is what is important. The INFORMATION presented and debated, not the presentation and person.

    This process is what brings about change. My faith wth the people of this board has been restored. Perhaps it's because most of the long time posters have gotten the "hang" of me.

    Is it really the issue with me? Not really. It's the education.

    For the "newbies" and/or "rookies", be what the "new people are these days"....I post to provoke. Nothing more. I'm a "humanist". I believe that there is no "right or wrong"..."evil vs. good" way. No, I'm not a "conservative" nor a "liberal". I am D8TA, the "free thinker".

    My goal is for people to "educate" themselves in current world events, and quit relying on the opinions of government P.R.'s and commercial news media outlets.

    I'm a boat rocker. Nothing more. For with D8TA? This a normal course of our human nature. This is what we are. Groups of people fighting for resources (natural or economic) over other "tribes". It's been what we've been doing since the dawn of humanity. Sort of like nature with entropy. Systems build up, and they break down.

    We are different from the natural world though. We are humanity and we have the ability to change this pattern. The U.S.? China? Be what country is the "big guy" on the block....contributes something to the betterment of the human race. And by that I mean, unifying ourselves beyond the borders drawn on maps...or by language....cultural difference.

    We have very few frontiers left, and to go beyond and find new frontiers will take the efforts of all here on this planet.

    It's debate and dialogue, agreement and disagreement, point & counterpoint that makes we humans grow and understand for a future that insures our survival. Without this causality, we are stagnant and motionless...never growing. Without conflict, we never progress...but there is that chance where we progress to a point where confilinct (construction vs. destruction etc.) will not exist. This is what humanity has as an advantage vs. the natural world.

    Some may get what I'm saying here, some may not.

  • stillajwexelder

    It's debate and dialogue, agreement and disagreement, point & counterpoint that makes we humans grow and understand for a future that insures our survival. Without this causality, we are stagnant and motionless...never growing. Without conflict, we never progress...but there is that chance where we progress to a point where confilinct (construction vs. destruction etc.) will not exist. This is what humanity has as an advantage vs. the natural world.

    So as the Iraquis and Afghanistanis under the Taliban were not free to debate, dialogue disagree point and counterpoint, what you are saing is that we were right to got to war to give them what you have

    I am glad you finally agree

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