Return To God, and He WIll Forgive You in a Large Way!

by AwakenedAndFree 270 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus


    What about the hundreds of times that the name jehovah is inserted into the greek scriptures part of the nwt? It is not there even one time in the greek manuscript that they mostly use. How faithful is that?


  • LittleToe

    As SS states, you will not find the Tetragrammaton (or anything like it) in the New Testament Greek manuscripts. That makes over 200 errors alone.

    In addition:

    Now to be fair, I think that in the main, it's fairly easy to read (but then I was raised with it, so I have a predilection for that style of writing), but it is DEFINITELY doctrinally biased.
    I agree that that can also be stated about some other translations, but even those that dont, seem to concur with mainstream bibles on the majority of texts.

  • jst2laws

    Hello A&F, I have only read a few pages of your thread. I'm sorry I have neglected it. I dropped in with two concerns. 1 Often this type thread has the "believers" demeaning the "unbelievers" with judgmental statements 2 and often the "believers" are mercilessly bashed by the "unbelievers". I hate to see either of these happen. What I see from skimming is the typical condemnation of you for judging others, yet I haven't seen where you have been so judgmental. Maybe those who feel differently could show me some examples. On the other hand I haven't seen "merciless" bashing of your beliefs, other than a few rude statements which you endured in a kind way. Again if I'm wrong maybe someone can point out examples. I do have one question, however. You use the NWT and others say you prefer it. Is this true? IF so, how do you justify this?

    I KNOW that the Society is UNCLEAN doctrinally! I consider the Society as being the EVIL SLAVE CLASS!

    Why would you use a Bible translation you believe is produced by the "EVIL SLAVE CLASS"? Steve

  • AwakenedAndFree

    You said:

    AAF said:"I KNOW that the Society is UNCLEAN doctrinally! I consider the Society as being the EVIL SLAVE CLASS!"
    Why would you use a Bible translation you believe is produced by the "EVIL SLAVE CLASS"? Steve

    ((((((Dear Steve,)))))

    Please refer to page no.4 of this thread: read Gumby's post first then read my response to him in the same page.

    Thank you.

    Christian Love,


  • AwakenedAndFree

    1 John 5:4:" because everything that has been born from God conquers the world. And this is the conquest that has conquered the world, our faith."NWT

    Christian Love,


  • LittleToe

    I reread the post you suggested Steve read, and I find it as convoluted as a Watchtower article (not)explaining new light (TM). Sorry, that's just my opinion.

    Do you mind explaining why you hold the NWT to be a good translation?
    Why not the "Literal Translation", by Green, which uses the name "Jehovah" everywhere the original text contains the tetragrammation?

  • AwakenedAndFree

    Bisous said:"

    Reading AAF's posts on this thread spoils my appetite.

    AAF says:"Sorry, but there is nothing I can do for that : other than you to just walk away! "

    "I would request ... AAF: Return to Wherever You Came From, and I will forgive you"

    . I would never tell someone to leave a place just because you don't agree/believe/subscribe to their beliefs. Obviously, you're not like me. I have been here since Aug.2002, and you are the first person making such a request. I am Awakened And Free from any religious bondage, and I am NOT returning to where I came from. If you don't forgive me (whatever it is - I don't know what I did to you), I will ask my Heavenly Father for forgiveness for whatever I did to you, instead.

    Christian Love,


  • AwakenedAndFree

    Abaddon said:


    AAF said:"Please allow me to explain : I am a woman and not a man."
    Don't worry; being a modern day pharasee is open to people of all genders. I hope you get the rafters removed, and that the camel doesn't give you indigestion." _____________________________________________________________________________________ PROVERBS 28: 5:" Men given to badness cannot understand judgement, but those who are seeking Jehovah can understand everything."NWT Christian Love, AAF
  • toreador

    Yeah, I dont get the whole thing about NWT being a excellent translation. From what I have read about it, its filled with errancies.

  • Abaddon


    Your first premise; that the Bible is god's literal inspired word, you have utterly failed to defend. You want us to believe essentially because you say so; so much for 'accurate knowledge', so much for 'examining the scriptures', so much for 'the man that shows descernment'. My cat is a better Bible scholar.

    Unfortunately you appear ill-equiped to comprehend that carrying on quoting scriptures that you have failed to show to be divinely inspired is futile; a true empty gourd and clashing cymbal.

    You also appear unaware of the un-Christian nature of your attitude; since you are the one doing the modern day equivalent of praying for the unrightous on street corners. Such total lack of introspection is shocking in one who claims to know the way.

    You truely have jumped from the frying pan of an ignorant cult into the fire of satisfying yourself of your own rightousness.

    How meek. How humble. How CHrist-like.

    That was irony, buy the way.

    Bye bye; no point in discussing anything with someone who has stopped their ears to anything other than their own vanity.

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