I'm sorry that you are having to face this! In the normal world, no one would question your right to decide for yourself what you do and do not believe, but we all know that with JW's it is not the normal world. I grew up in it and did a slow fade from age 18- 24 but my now ex husband was doing the same, so I did not have the conflict you do. Technically, your stopping attending does not grant your husband any real grounds to dump you, I don't think it flies for a big spiritual man to claim spiritual endangerment. But again, the "rules" can be bent to suit them. The only thing I can think of is to pull off your fade slowly(if you can stand it). I think the rapid quit would be rough in your position. Start missing here and there by working late (if you don't work, consider getting a job), not feeling well and slowly add to the number you miss. Maybe it won't be noticed too much if it is random to start with. Hopefully you are not one of those completely healthy people who never gets sick, otherwise the sick card is a bit hard to play! And know that you have lots of support on this board from people who have been through the exit process.