The war was still unjust...Even though the ends were...If we're cleaning up the world of threatening dictators, let's get North Korea. I'd be behind that war...Their regime makes Hussein's look like small beans. Plus, we KNOW NK has WMDs, and they've threatened us and our allies (Japan, Taiwan) with them.
to be released all at once in a "big bang" method that will hopefully avoid being driven into the background by a hostile media. Also, is politically more devastating to the Democratic challenger, who will probably get nominated on an anti-war platform.
I'm sure you're right there...Unleash it all a week before the election...before any questions can be asked about the timing. Karl Rove did the same thing in Texas when The Smirking Chimp was running for Governor. He accused Ann Richards of planting a bug in his office four days before the election. Turns out, the bug didn't even have a battery, and that a Rove aide had visited the same shop where the bug came from two days earlier...
"Oh, look! WMD's! on Oct. 26th! right under our noses! 'Made in the United...' oops, election's over!"
Hostile Media my ass! Clear Channel, Fox News, MSGOP...Outside of Dan Rather (30 minutes a night, mostly introducing stories), can you think of ONE liberal that has the unfettered and unchallenged time that Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Scarborough the Lady Killer, Savage, Neil Cavuto, Laura Ingraham have? The media does tilt left on social issues, I'll grant...but If the media were really hostile, they'd crow about Bush's vacations, not giving press conferences, Diebold and his fundraising.
The GOP had their chance win an election with some real solid leaders: McCain, Dole, Powell...I'd vote for them in a second. Instead, they went with corporophilia (Cheney) and fundamentalist extremism (Ashcroft). They could win again, but they'll likely lose their fourth consecutive popular vote.
As to the healthcare question, Czar is right...I don't like a Hillary plan, but something has to be done to prevent a possible backlash in November. By staging a progressive government policy in the early 20th century to address the protests of labor and the New Deal in the 30's, we prevented a possible Communist Revolution and established a prosperous tradition of regulated capitalism. time to apply it to medicine.