Movement to 'Draft" Hillary

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  • czarofmischief
    you WANT the health insurance offered by the expense of increasing taxes beyond reckoning?

    Considering that even the insurance companies have turned me and my wife down for independent coverage, frankly, YES! Taxes annoy me, but my wife's brush with cancer scared me. I'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe, Yeru, including paying taxes. It is sick and wrong that we lived two blocks from a state of the art hospital, but couldn't get that damned mole checked out because it would have bankrupted us.

    If you have a better plan, I'm waiting to hear it.


  • Yerusalyim


    Yeru, are you saying Saddam was executing mass amounts of civilians in the months leading up to our invasion?

    You don't remember the tapes of Saddam's hencemen throwing people off buildings...that was shortly before the war....yes...Saddam continued to reign by terror up to the beginning of the war.


    Sorry for you're wife's cancer and your struggles with it, while I don't have all the answers...I'm not willing to pay 48% of my income in taxes as they do in Germany. That would kill our economy and bankrupt millions.

  • Badger

    Yeru is right about the mass graves...He wasn't in the same league as Pol Pot or Stalin, but he sure was playing the same game.

    His capture is a testament to the U.S. Military and will be better in the long run for the doesn't make an unjust war just...Remember, we went to war there because he had WMD...Bush told us this UNDER OATH...

  • czarofmischief

    Well, all right - here's a compromise:

    How about if BEFORE a neo-commie like Hillary comes and offers me something I couldn't possibly turn down with a good conscience, like a German style health system - somebody that I already trust (W) puts together some kind of national health insurance plan, possibly in partnership with existing health insurance companies.

    The best way to prevent revolution is not to tell the peasants to eat cake - it's to pull the teeth out of the revolutionary leaders arguments by giving away bread for a while. So, give away health insurance to preserve the long term union. Because I was very scared there for a while, Yeru - scared and angry enough to do ANYTHING.

    Fortunately, now that I got some benefits from my job, the czarina is very fine and healthy and happy and cancer free.

    But the whole experience got me to thinking about the vast tidal wave of barely repressed rage over some of the fundamental inequities of our current system - I'm a conservative, so I don't want to rock the boat, but when there is a problem, I want to apply my Yankee ingenuity and FIX it.

    So, in order to preserve a stable Union, we need to ensure that social mobility is available for all through education and anti-discrimination laws. AND, we need to ensure that everyone can go to a doctor when we need one. In this polluted environment, we should all have the right to share in the wealth created by the industries, at least in terms of medical care.

    I admit, 48 percent is a lot. But perhaps there is a way more in tune with our national character, one that will hopefully prevent the day when you as an American soldier must make the decision to shoot me, a husband desperate to keep his wife from dying.

    It sounds apocalyptic and unbelievable, but denying the reality of a revolution is a hallmark of governments completely out of tune with their people.


  • czarofmischief
    czarofmischief doesn't make an unjust war just...

    Yes, it does. A good thing is a good thing, no matter why you think you did it. Sometimes we get lucky, sometimes God has a plan. I personally think that God had a plan, in Saddam's particular case. Can't prove it, of course, I can only point out that Saddam spent four months living in a hole across the river from his luxurious palaces, before being found and humiliated even further. If there was a karma wheel, I'd say that Saddam was on the outermost rim right now. It's just too perfect, like Hitler spending his last days in the tiniest corner of a once vast dominion.

    It's a good thing we did. There will be karmic rewards for this nation and for Bush in particular. That's the thing about faith, though, since it involves the supernatural, it can't be scientifically duplicated, only predicted in general, anecdotal terms.

    Remember, we went to war there because he had WMD...Bush told us this UNDER OATH...

    We haven't produced them yet, but you've given up too early. From my understanding of various media sources, certain evidence HAS been found and is being held back, to be released all at once in a "big bang" method that will hopefully avoid being driven into the background by a hostile media. Also, is politically more devastating to the Democratic challenger, who will probably get nominated on an anti-war platform.


  • Badger

    The war was still unjust...Even though the ends were...If we're cleaning up the world of threatening dictators, let's get North Korea. I'd be behind that war...Their regime makes Hussein's look like small beans. Plus, we KNOW NK has WMDs, and they've threatened us and our allies (Japan, Taiwan) with them.

    to be released all at once in a "big bang" method that will hopefully avoid being driven into the background by a hostile media. Also, is politically more devastating to the Democratic challenger, who will probably get nominated on an anti-war platform.

    I'm sure you're right there...Unleash it all a week before the election...before any questions can be asked about the timing. Karl Rove did the same thing in Texas when The Smirking Chimp was running for Governor. He accused Ann Richards of planting a bug in his office four days before the election. Turns out, the bug didn't even have a battery, and that a Rove aide had visited the same shop where the bug came from two days earlier...

    "Oh, look! WMD's! on Oct. 26th! right under our noses! 'Made in the United...' oops, election's over!"

    Hostile Media my ass! Clear Channel, Fox News, MSGOP...Outside of Dan Rather (30 minutes a night, mostly introducing stories), can you think of ONE liberal that has the unfettered and unchallenged time that Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Scarborough the Lady Killer, Savage, Neil Cavuto, Laura Ingraham have? The media does tilt left on social issues, I'll grant...but If the media were really hostile, they'd crow about Bush's vacations, not giving press conferences, Diebold and his fundraising.

    The GOP had their chance win an election with some real solid leaders: McCain, Dole, Powell...I'd vote for them in a second. Instead, they went with corporophilia (Cheney) and fundamentalist extremism (Ashcroft). They could win again, but they'll likely lose their fourth consecutive popular vote.

    As to the healthcare question, Czar is right...I don't like a Hillary plan, but something has to be done to prevent a possible backlash in November. By staging a progressive government policy in the early 20th century to address the protests of labor and the New Deal in the 30's, we prevented a possible Communist Revolution and established a prosperous tradition of regulated capitalism. time to apply it to medicine.

  • Swickley

    She may not be a Rhodes Scholar like her husband, but Hillary is highly intelligent and well-qualified to be President of this country. The Bushes have not fared well when up against a Clinton -- and it would be great to see Hillary whip dubya's ignorant, moronic, crooked lame-ass butt.

  • DakotaRed
    Hillary whip dubya's ignorant, moronic, crooked lame-ass butt

    And what makes you so sure that hillary's ignorant, moronic, crooked lame-ass butt could whip Dubyas? I wouldn't exactly classify her as the world's savior, like she thinks she is. At least she isn't a draft dodger, but her blocking the police from looking through Vince Fosters files until after she did sure looked suspicious.

    Arrogant? Wonder what she meant when she said, "we are the President?"

    If Bush is such a lame-ass, as you state, what does that make Hillary for saying?

    "In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security." -- Hillary Clinton, October 10, 2002

  • imallgrowedup

    they are both very smart people, and they are very much more sincere about their public service than the group in the white house now.

    I agree. They are so smart, that they have figured out how to live off the backs of taxpayer's for the rest of their lives. Of course, the best social program they ever came up with was how to get their own mortgage covered...

    Hillary Rodham Clinton, as a New York State Senator, now comes under this fancy "Congressional Retirement and Staffing Plan," which means that even if she never gets re-elected, she STILL receives her Congressional salary until she dies. If Bill outlives her, he then inherits HER salary until HE dies. He is already getting his Presidential salary until he dies. If Hillary outlives Bill, she also gets HIS salary until she dies. Guess who pays for that? WE DO!

    It's common knowledge that in order for her to establish NY residency, they purchased a million dollar-plus house in upscale Chappaqua, New York. And of course, t hey are entitled to Secret Service protection for life.

    But, here is where it becomes interesting. Their mortgage payment hovers at around $10,000 per month. However, an extra residence HAD to be built within the acreage to house the Secret Service agents. So, the Clintons charge the Federal Government $10,000 monthly rent for the use of that extra residence, which is just about equal to their mortgage payment. This means that we, the taxpayers, are paying the Clinton's salary, mortgage, transportation, safety and security, retirement accounts, as well as the salaries for their 12-man staff! And to top it all off, this woman stood on the Senate floor on February 25, 2003, and had the nerve to speak out against the high salaries of Corporate CEO?s! Does she think that we don?t see that her words and actions are inconsistent?

  • bisous

    how much do other former presidents, senators, congressional leaders receive? How many other former presidents, senators, congressional leaders buy expensive houses, etc?

    republicans and democrats benefit in the same way, from the same policies...and it is all paid for on the backs of the american people. And the majority of the Rs & Ds stand up in front of us and spew garbage at one point or another. none of these things perpetrated by any of these individuals is right.

    I say, if anyone doesn't like our system, policies, etc. get involved in changing it. Be part of the solution. As Americans we have rights that most of the world doesn't. Many of us ignore that privilege. One of the first thing I did upon leaving the cult was register to vote. Most of the change I'd like to see probably won't happen, but even little things I can be a part of makes a difference to me. And it feels good to participate.

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