Are You Still SEARCHING For The "Truth"?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mysterious

    I don't believe that there is one "truth" or one right path. I believe everyone needs to choose the path that is right for them. People need to be left alone to find the spiritual path that is right for them. As long as they are happy with it and it doesn't hurt anyone no one should have a right to object or force something else on them.

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond


    Meditation is a good place to start......

  • oredigger

    I think the "SEARCH" itself is the important thing.

    TRUTH and ANSWERS come when least expected, and under stones we had never before thought to look under

  • bisous

    The truth slowly dawned on me when my husband was killed in a car accident and I prayed and PRAYED for the end to come because I had convinced myself that if it happened right away, maybe we could still be husband and the NEW I went through the grieving process, and gave birth to our daughter....the light became clearer and clearer....all the doubts I had throughout my life were justified, my questions unanswerable by the other blinded fools I was in company with....none of the pap we had been fed made any sense whatsoever.

    Truthseeking and finding can be very painful, but worth it in the long run. I found my truth and indeed it set me free.

  • morty

    I gave up on looking for the "Troof" many moons ago.....

    It gave me nothing but griefCrazy

  • Siddhashunyata

    You can see from my earlier post that I recommend the teachings of Krishnamurti. I don't recommend him like a Guru but merely as someone who found something out and who tried to point the way to what he found. Interestingly he was always taking up the subject of Meditation and trying to point out that real meditation was when one observed the action of his own mind. By action he meant the process of thought itself. Very few of us have explored the possibility that we are slaves to this process instead of it being our slave. In other words we have not delved into the enslaving nature of our own minds. Consider, we are being moved around by an incessant flow of ideas or concepts that we either ignore or play on. The barrage is constant and unceasing. By merely observing the thoughts (and they are coming and going at lightning speed) one's awareness is strengthened. We are not used to being aware of what's going on in our heads to the point that nothing escapes our notice. Again one must be extremely alert because the action is swift. This is how we begin to "know " ourselves. This is also how we become free because after we become familiar with the action and practice, in this awareness we begin to experience periods of no thought and yet we are still aware. It is the condition of awareness without thought that is so misunderstood and often feared by many who never experience it. They believe the mind is blank or that one is in some kind of trance. Not so. What happens is that a natural intelligence comes forward and perceives. The living quality of that perception is what we have been seeking. It is timeless and cannot be found through thought, dogma, or other people. It is the real foundation of religion. So to "know thyself" means to know the nature of your own mind , the one that is blinding you and, the one that sees clearly.

  • Mysterious
    Meditation is a good place to start......

    I found this article I don't know if it helps anyone but it's a good starting point if you've never meditated before.

    A Cheat Sheet for new Meditators
    Step 1: Be still.
    Find a quiet space that's both private and inspiring. It can be outside, in a church or temple, even a corner of your bedroom. Sit or lie down, close your eyes (to help you relax), and set a timer for 3 minutes so there's no need to worry over when to end the meditation. As your comfort level rises, gradually increase the length of time you meditate to 20 minutes a day or ideally twice a day.

    Step 2: Invite in the divine.
    Make your meditation space a sanctuary for spiritual practice by adding an element or two from your spiritual life, perhaps a candle, crystals, a corss, a Buddha, a picture of God as you understand him, even a tiny bunch of flowers to remind you of why you're there. When you create the space action will follow.

    Step 3: Have a spiritual intention
    Start by repeating an affirming mantra, one that's spiritual and meaningful to you. Use it to help empty your mind and to relax as fully as you can. Then visualize what it is that you want out of life what you want your world to cinlude and how you want it to feel. Then actually invoke the presence of the divine, thanking God or the universe for what you have or simply for help in the meditation process.

    Step 4: Pay attention to what comes up.
    In the stillness you create you will notice thoughts or feelings some of them negative, some of them not, that you may not have been aware of because you have been masking them with activity. Don't try to make them go away. They are what's truly in your heart.

    Step 5: Surrender
    IN other words, accept that things don't always go according to your plan. Relax under the strain of your sel-imposed rules and actions. Dispense with your frustration or any negatie meotions you might feel. Turst that everything will be okay. And surrender to the idea that miracles are your highest potential.

  • blondie

    Following are the eight principles of bushido:

    Jin - to develop a sympathetic understanding of people
    Gi - to preserve the correct ethics
    Chu - to show loyalty to one's master
    Ko - to respect and to care for one's parents
    Rei - to show respect for others
    Chi - to enhance wisdom by broadening one's knowledge
    Shin - to be truthful at all times
    Tei - to care for the aged and those of a humble station

    I saw these in connection with the movie The Last Samurai. They seem intriguing.

  • dorkycrass


  • Sentinel

    To know oneself is to come to terms with what our reality is about the person we face in the mirror, and the person we have to live with every day, as long as we breathe this life. We have to slow down to do this. Meditation is a good way to do this. Time alone is a must. This takes a great deal of effort and sometimes opens wounds deep inside that have long been suppressed. It is facing our flaws and our own choices along the way. It is a "going back" before we can move forward, by re-evaluating our own personal codes that we live by. Facing the reality of situations as we grew up, and what we perceived to be correct that was a misinterpretation. We alone bear this responsibility. No one can do this for us.

    As incredible as it sounds, I was in my mid 40's before I began to figure out who I was--the real me, hidden away. I had suppressed so much of my true self and I felt like I was two people--the one I showed to the outside, and the other poor lost child on the inside. I fought the reality of my life like a wild animal, because for me, there was so much anquish, sadness and misery. I always felt like I was punnished for trying to do good things. My world was not on a solid foundation and I knew it, but it took me so much time to figure things out--to learn that I had to "let go".

    I just didn't understand. I thought that I knew what love was, but I was only skimming the surface. I was deluding myself. I didn't truly "let go" until about three years ago, in my 50's. Now that is a very long time to have lived my life in such an unclear and unsatisfying way. I knew physical love, but still something was missing. This is not to say that I didn't make the best of it, by keeping that smile on my face, and living by the golden rule. But I was far from where my comfort was to be found.

    To really love one another, which is taught by all the great spiritual leaders through the centuries, we must love ourselves first. To love ourselves, means that we need to know and understand who we are and that we accept ourselves and make changes as we need to in order to be the best we can be. It's not living for the promise of something better, or the fairy tales woven by religions; but it is living now in this beautiful life, to the full, the way we were created to do.

    We must do what we need to do to clear away the cobwebs. We have only this one human life that we know about, and that precious being (our soul) is living in "this" human body. The experience of this life should be a beautiful one, no matter in what circumstance we find ourselves. This love is beyond the physical and material, and once found is a treasure that is hidden no longer. The wealth of it is freely given and the exchange between the gift in each living being/creation is what gives us the solid foundation for our existence here and now. This is what counts!

    Once we have come to that place, we realize we have "truth".


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