What Did you Plan On Doing In The New System?

by minimus 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM

    Sex forever....more kids....Art work of all mediums....Reading everything...Talking to Steinbeck and others

  • maxwell

    When I was younger, I dreamed about what kind of house I would have and traveling all over the world. I did kind of wonder how I would do that. Would we have some advanced non-polluting form of transportation or would we have to do it in an old-fashioned slow mode?

    Later in my teens, I did think about sex. I was somewhat concerned that perhaps when the world population was filled out, God would decide to simply remove the sex desire instead of providing a 100% effective form of contraception (e. g. miraculously making us all sterile). Then I wondered would I actually get tired of one woman after a million years or so. Would he let us switch up every few thousand years or so? Well I didn't really get that far into my wonderings, but I did think about the question of sex after full world population a few times.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    When I was teenager I was fascinated with space exploration. I guess I really thought that I could ride a spaceship in heaven for eternity and not be bothered with the species called people!

  • maybesbabies
    That was my first snag with the teachings...I knew, from experience as a kid in a very strict home, that I was bound to mess up at some point, and that perfection just didn't allow for that...I guess I would walk on eggshells until I did/said/thought something that would end it all. "Ooops, Badger didn't listen,

    Badger hit the nail on the head!! I was terrified of the new system, because I just knew I was going to screw up somehow!!! BTW, how the heck are you Badger?

  • FlyingHighNow

    • I'd have the mate I wanted.
    • My dream home.
    • Beautiful landscaping.
    • Fufilling work that I enjoyed doing.
    • A perfect and young face and body and hair, etc.
    • I'd have my kids and grandkids nearby.
    • Great friendships.
    • I'd learn to play different musical instruments. We'd all be able to sing well. Ahhhh.
    • I'd perfect my drawing and painting skills.
    • Learn about plantlife, animal life, astronomy and other sciences.
    • I'd travel.
    • I'd meet cool people like Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin.
    • I'd meet historical figures.
    • I'd get to meet my family again and ansestors and figure out where our family traits came from.
    • I'd get to ask people who were alive when Jesus walked the earth what he was like. What did he look like? Could an artist who knew him paint a portrait of him. I hoped God would allow it.
    • Work would be the kind you love and you'd have plenty of energy to do it with. The weather would always be perfect and I hoped there would still be rain. I like rain.
    • The ressurrection was going to be a wonderful focal point.

    I figured that if you mastered one skill you could choose another and master it. You had forever.

    I hoped that Jesus would visit us and allow us to visit him in heaven. I wanted to meet big, bad Jehovah, apostles, etc.

    So many things to do, so much time. Ah to be able to say that.


  • Mysterious
    The JW paradise includes doing work apparently which, I guess, is recognizing that people need something to do. But what kind of paradise requires work? Isn't everything supposed to be perfect? What kind of work did Adam and Eve do?

    Hmm it sort of reminds me of "The Sims". You work to get stuff and then work to get more stuff, and once you have everything and use it once or twice the whole thing gets boring.

    In my experience the witnesses are always quick to defend the arguments they are most afraid of, and one of them they defend in this case is the "living forever would get boring". I mean theoretically there HAS to be some limit on what you can do. Even your brain's immense capacity must fill up some time, then what? God makes your brain bigger and your head implodes?

  • dustyb

    man...i can just imagine about all the beer and sex though. i mean geez, its everyone's dream!! all that other stuff sounds good, but wow, beer and sex.................

    oh and drugs. extacy and acid wouldn't eat your brain away, so everything would be healthy for you!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! hehehe

  • FlyingHighNow

    Hey, who needs the New System for beer and lots of good sex? Can't we all do this now? Some of us lucky ones already have a little paradise on earth.


    PS Edit:

    I don't care that much for beer anymore but it's fun to joke about.

  • onintwo

    I guess I'm too much of a pragmatist. I always wondered who would produce all of those nice farming implements they pictured in the magazines. Because, baby, my own personal "paradise" didn't include any factory work.

    Presumably some poor slob's version of "paradise" would be to grind it out 8-5 making all the stuff the rest of us would need. LIke toilet paper.


  • FlyingHighNow
    Presumably some poor slob's version of "paradise" would be to grind it out 8-5 making all the stuff the rest of us would need. LIke toilet paper.

    That would be my exhusband. He is a workaholic. He does electrical maintenance on industrial machinery as well as trouble shooting. When he isn't working doing carpet cleaning on the side, etc. he is creating work for himself around the house. And then he broods because his work is never done.

    Factories are a product of the "modern world". People used to go to craftsman something like a blacksmith for plows, etc. But hey, wasn't the toiling a punishment for Adam's sin? I thought the paradise was going to remove the effects of sin.


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