I remember once a CO came and had all the kids draw a picture of what they thought the new system was like. We all got to go up on stage and show our pictures...pretty intense for a four year old lemme tell ya~
Of course when I was young I only thought about all the animals I was going to have. A Tiger to be sure, maybe a lion too.
As I got older, as some others have said, I was pretty convinced I wasn't going to make it to the system, and that if I did, once they let satan out after the 1,000 years I would muck it up. How awful is that? You get a taste of paradise before you burn for all eternity...happy happy joy joy!
Then when I was 13 I held the romantic notion that when John Keats was brought back to life, I would get him to fall in love with me, I'd tell him what a loser Fanny was and that I was so much better for him. Then we'd build our own sailboat and sail around writing poetry. Yeah...laugh it up! Go ahead!