What Did you Plan On Doing In The New System?

by minimus 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • iiz2cool

    I believed that there would one day be "new light" on matters such as marriage and fornication. I believed that marriages would one day be dissolved, and Armageddon survivors would have the opportunity to fornicate freely without consequence. It was my goal to bed every babe on earth at least once.

  • Aztec
    But I honestly was dumb and naive

    No, you were young. Big differance.

    Did someone say: *Rayzorblade is a space cadet* ?


    I believed that there would one day be "new light" on matters such as marriage and fornication. I believed that marriages would one day be dissolved, and Armageddon survivors would have the opportunity to fornicate freely without consequence

    OMG Walter, you truly are a revolutionary!


  • Undecided

    The only thing I can remember thinking is that I would get to know everyone on earth, that we would move around untill we had met everyone there.

    Ken P.

  • Nosferatu

    - Start a lion farm
    - Start a polyester shirt clothing store
    - ?????

    Well, actually I had a lot of trouble visualizing myself happy. My mother asked me, "What are you going to do in the new System?" I told her I wanted to listen to a lot of music. "But all worldly music will be destroyed in the new system." That pretty much shot my paradise dreams. Also, I couldn't picture myself being happy knowing all the worldly people I knew had been destroyed.

    The pictures of Paradise in the WT publications did nothing for me.

  • TresHappy

    Learning to play the piano in Scott Joplin style and bugging Minimus 'til the cows came home...

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I wanted to travel the world extensively; interact with every type of people and see the wonders of the many different places on earth. While in my world travels, I also wanted to become a great musician and play at large gatherings where everyone would have a fantastic time dancing and singing along.

    At the end of my long term journey, I'd then settle down in the place where I found most beautiful. It's then that I'd consider marriage and starting a family of as many children as it would be aloud.

    Well, now that I have mentally let go of my paradise dreams, I resolve to find joy in the things I can do here and now. I do quite a bit of traveling each year, and I have a wonderful husband to share the experiences with. Do not have kids due to health issues, but I'm the oldest of a whole bunch of kids in a hispanic family, and if you know the culture you'll also know that being the oldest is as close to having kids yourself as it gets; so, due to this minor inconvenience, I've decided to have a good time with my nieces, nephews and other people's kids. I've become a musician in the sense that I love all types of music and can carry a tune pretty good too.

    So, I'm currenlty living my imperfect paradise here on earth, and I have to tell you all that it's not too shabby at all!


  • seeitallclearlynow

    I was really looking forward to the New World (if I made it), often thinking of Jeremiah 31:34, which seemed to me, would allow for more normal, human joy. I was sure there would not be all the ridiculous meetings and empty service.

    Beyond that, I intended to be a good surfer. What could be more exhilarating!

    And of course, I would travel to all of the beautiful spots on earth and possibly in outer space too, if that were ever part of the arrangement.

    And I would make friends with the intelligent playful sea creatures and others that we have read about, and I would get to hold all the baby animals all over the earth.

    And like Big Tex said, live happily ever after...if I survived the last test when Satan was let loose...again.

  • dustyb

    did i mention beer and sex?

  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    I've always loved animals. So! I thought I could be on the team that treated and fixed up all the animals who got hurt during Armageddon! Dumb huh?

    My Mom always wanted lots and lots of kids so she could teach them all about Jehovah.......UGH


  • minimus

    The beer in the new system will be perfect. So the sex will become exceptional.

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