Missylissy, some other really good questions to ask yourself in connection with the one you asked us are: (patience, Missy..there really is a reason for these questions)
1. What do I want out of life?
2. What is required of me to accomplish my life's goals?
3. What type of person do I want to be?
4. How do I wish to appear to others?
5. How many worst case scenarios and what are they in regards to when, where, with whom and how often I choose to have sex?
6. How will I assume responsibility for any bad repercussions which may occur to me from choosing to have sex freely?
Believe me....everything else in your life....your self esteem, your future goals, your career of choice, your outlook on life, how others view you and how you view yourself...your whole future revolves around how you choose to conduct your sex life.
Frannie B