I knew I couldnt avoid them forever... Hi there, new here

by Butterfliez 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Puternut

    Butterfliez, welcome to the board. You are going through a lot. I myself am new here too. And I also went through a lot of heartache. It is a confusing time. But you will find here many that carry your pains and sorrows. Just pour your heart out and you will find many friends here. I am still healing from the experience in the 'truth'. Coming to this place, you will find that many understand where you are coming from. Since many have had a similar experience. We are from all different walks of life, and no one judges you for who you are, or what your convictions are. It's all about support. And if you have an opinion about something, share it.

    Hope you get through all this.

    Your new friend,


  • jst2laws


    I so feel for you.

    I wish when I was a teenager, there would have been some child protective service or government agency that would have removed me from my "home". I wish someone would have saved me from the superstitious, restrictive, clannish jws. I wish somehow I could have been removed from having to hear all about their nightmarish visions of gloom & doom & their angry god. I wish I never had to hear about their "persecution" crapola & hate for "the world". I wish, instead of running around like Henny Penny saying "the sky is falling", my mother would have encouraged education & reality.

    My little brother died, seems suicide, at age 18. But not before he expressed simular feelings to yours.



  • gypsywildone

    Well, thanks Just2laws, but at least I was a very opinionated 13 year old when my old lady got into this garbage cult. I knew from the git go it was total bs & just bided my time. No way was I gonna be railroaded into it, no how, no way. But the waiting was hell!

    I saw and heard alot. There is no whitewashing this dangerous cult. It taught my mother how to alternately treat my dad like he was missing something or to try to bully him into the jws. His tactic to get by was to work more and more & avoid her jw psychosis. He ended up splitting, couldn't take it anymore, & I didn't blame him a bit! I saw a lot of paranoia, fakery, hypocracy, & shameful beating of kids in the backs of kingdom halls. How anyone could defend jws is beyond me.

    I am sorry about your brother, I guess he couldn't see any other way out. The jw life is one of utter dispair for a teenager. Their very personhood is denyed them! Their familie's love is conditional. Parental "love" is based on pleasing an unpleasable cult. We need to make these young people realize there IS real life out there, there is another way, & there is a lot of help. I myself would take in any teenager in this situation that I ever would hear of!

    There is no way to whitewash it. It is what it is. Personally, I don't give a damn about "good intentions". I don't care what they think they are doing. They are blind, & something must be broken inside them to treat families this way. Good intentions paved the way to hell!

    I do wish that some Child Protective agency would have removed me from there so that I could have lived my life as a normal, happy teenager & out from under the eyes of jw spies that were constantly ratting on me & complaining about me for imaginary nonsense.

    How very sad that your brother couldn't know it was all only temporary & he had his whole life ahead of him to contribute to humanity & be happy! I bet there are lots more feeling like him out there right now :(

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    Hi Buterfliez,

    Have you ever done a worst case scenario in your mind? For instance, "What?s the worst thing that could happen if . . .". Very often if you try and imagine the worst thing that could happen, given a particular event or decision or circumsatnce, etc., you discover that the final ?worst? thing really isn?t all that bad in the end. In fact it can open up new possibilities. Here?s an example to help you picture what I mean:

    I hate my present job, so what?s the worst thing that could happen if I decide not to go to work today?

    I could get in trouble.

    What?s that worst thing that could happen if I get in trouble at work?

    I could get fired.

    What?s the worst thing that could happen if I get fired?

    I?d have to find another job.

    In this scenario it resolves nicely as it shows giving you an opportunity to find another place to work that you might like better than your old job! It doesn?t always pan out so tidy, but it can illuminate other possibilities you hadn?t considered. I?m forty-eight years old and I have learned that very often in life, the outcomes of events we fear don?t actually turnout out exactly the way we worry that they will anyway.

    As for your dilemma, as long as you know in your heart that the Watchtower Society and the JW religion is wrong and you have divorced yourself from it psychologically and emotionally, then everything else is secondary. The biggest pitfall for the former JW, is not really knowing where he or she stands regarding their former religion. Once they finally get this part of the puzzle resolved within them, then everything else is just circumstance. So meet with the elders, or tell them what they can do with their meeting. Avoid them or confront them. Be overt about your decision or covert. But YOU decide. You stay in control, not them. Never forget that. It?s all about control, and they want to be in charge over you. That?s the cult mentality.

    I gotta admit I like the suggestion in this thread about you promising the JW elders you?ll have legal counsel at your meeting. I don?t know if that will make a difference in the total outcome, but this is the kind of fun you can have with this situation. I actually had a ball when my elder?s meeting happened. These two pompous pious morons came out to my house unannounced. I had no idea about ?judicial meetings? and all that, but I soon understood this was a ?you?re in or out? meeting. So I told them what I really thought about their religion and them personally and I got up a walked out of the room. I didn?t even show them the courtesy of walking them out. But I was on my own at that time and I could do such things without any fear of reprisal. Your situation is a little different.

    I?m sure you realize there will be risks involved in being open about your true feelings. And if you do decide to be forthright and open, it could indeed create difficulties for you at home. Your wise for your years but you are still a minor and somewhat dependent on your (JW) family at this present time. And since you were baptized there is a high probability you will experience some relationship difficulties with your JW family members. Never underestimate the mind control of a religious cultic group such as the Watchtower Organization and the power it has over the week minded. I do have to admit that in talking with hundreds of former JW?s over ten year?s time, there is almost always some kind of family breakdown when a JW family member leaves the Watchtower. It?s practically inevitable. But what are your choices? You?ve got to be true to who you are, first. And you?ve got to be willing to make the sacrifices of being who you are regardless of the consequences. There?s nothing like the feeling of knowing who you are in this world. There?s real power in knowing who you are and what you believe in.

    Be patient and keep in mind your current limitations. In time you will be in charge of your own life.


  • Galimo

    I have been there, on the receiving end, so i know about it. Twice had i a judicial meeting. The second time i got kicked (disfellowed?).
    I was young and did not really know what i wanted. So I planned nothing.
    The first year after that i felt rather "strange" to be honest, but you grow to get used to it.

    Yes overall my experience was rather positive, I only disliked the door to door going (Although in the Bible Jesus personally commanded all to do so). And I dont like the high frequency of weekly meetings.
    I read a lot of magazines, Newsweek, National Geographic, Times, you name it, but still I usually used Awake for Shool assignments for the content of the magazines was rather good, just strip away the bible references and you have nice articles for shool assignments.

    If you wish to leave the organization and you are called to a judicial meeting, just state your firm point of view right at the beginning and tell them respectfully that you dont wish to continue and that you don't wish to spend more time at this particular meeting. Then walk up and out of the room. They can't force you to be there for hours, they only continue for hours when you allow that to happen.

    One thing is for sure, they should not allow too young people to get baptized. That is a real big stupidity IMO. Every person "matures" at a different age, I was not when i got baptized, my bad.

  • Angharad

    Hi Butterfliez

    Welcome to the board

  • mouthy

    Welcome butterfliez..I think Little Toe.s advice is excellent( besides the others that have been there done that. Joysome -welcome to you also.You asked where will we go when we leave the "LIE" (to you it has to be called the 'truth") The answer is right in scripture " I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH, THE LIFE

  • mouthy

    That truth is JESUS....

  • Smyler

    Hey Butterfliez,

    I just wanted to let you know that to get your PMs, you click on Inbox (1 new messages) and they will show up.

    Click on reply to reply!


  • wednesday

    I hope butterfliez is ok, she has not been back to the board. Anyone hear from her?

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