Why is everyone saying McVeigh is a sick individual.
Didn't our most famous forefather say if the citizens
of the country do not have a revulotion every 25 years
then we are not doing are job.Seems McVeigh thought
it was time: is that sick.As far as some saying INNOCENT
people died in the bombing that is true. Tell me how many
INNOCENT people died the night the U.S. bombed
Baghdad all for the fear of losing OIL.Lives for oil yes
we precious americans can not live with out oil. Give me
OIL the hell with lives these people aren't really people
any way and there lives suck. BTW that sick individual
McVeigh was decorated over there made a shot to blow
a mans head off that they still talk about.HMMMMM He
could kill so we could fill up our tanks but not to uphold
the constitution that HE saw being tore apart.Something
is sick about this but I really can't point my finger at
McVeigh.[please I don't want your CBS comments about
what there leader was doing puke:we and the other nations
were there for the OIL thats it-----not for the people because
they are not people as far as we are concerned].
Now some people commented about what if it was your
child. Well must say if I caught McVeigh that day and my
child had died I would have tried to kill him too. The only
reason worth killing for is to protect your family----Since
I would have failed at this I would have taken my VENGENCE
out on the person who did it. BUT BUT the STATE has no
emotional ties to the event one way or the other. The STATE
also says KILLING is wrong-Tim was wrong and I too would
have been wrong if I killed McVeigh that day.So if the STATE
says KILLING is wrong how come it is OK for them to do it.?
I know this must have something to do with this God of
Old Testament.
Amazing most of if not all treaties were broken by the white
man not red. I believe if we let them have THEIR good land
and kept the crap for us they would not have fought. But hey
they were lower than dogs they didn't need the good land,
or even food to eat----thats why the buffalo disappeared or
didn't you know that. As for the bomb Japan was out of fuel.
They had no airforce our bombers went in without a fight.
There navy was for the most part in dock. NO FUEL.
Stallin was going to invade mainland Japan first and this
my brother we could not let happen. So we BOMBED
Killing McVeigh is wrong all killing is wrong nothing will
change on monday.
Some words from THE N.Y. Poet
This is no time for Celebration
This is no time for shaking hands
This is no time for Backslapping This is no time for Marching Bands
This is no time for Optimism
This is no time for Endless Thought
This is no Time for my country Right or Wrong
Remember what that brought
This is no time for Congratullations
This is no time to Turn Your Back
This is no time for Circumlocution
This is no time for Learned Speech
This is no time to Count Your Blessings
This is no time for Private Gain
This is a time to Put Up or Shut Up
It won't come back this way again
This is no time to Swallow Anger
This is no time to Ignore Hate
This is no time to be Acting Frivolous
Because the time is getting late
This is no time for Private Vendettas
This is no time to not know who you are
Self knowledge is a dangerous thing
The freedom of who you are
This is no time to Ignore Warnings
This is no time to turn to Clear the Plate
Let's not be sorry after the fact
And let the past become our fate
This is no time to turn away and drink
Or smoke some vials of crack
This is a time to gather force
And take dead aim and Attack This is no time for Celebration
This is no time for Saluting Flags
This is no time for inner Searchings
The future is at hand
This is no time for Phony Rhetoric
This is no time for Political Speech
This is a time for Action
Because the future's Within Reach
This is the time
Wouldn't it make the government stand up and take notice
if we all hug our flags(the good witnesse's we our)
at half mast on monday. Or better yet We all hold hands
from coast to coast and start singing DA-WHOO-DORIS-DA
WHOO-DORIS like the people from Whoville. Wouldn't they
take notice could it be a start of a Peaceful Revolution.
"Some men see things as they are and say why
I dream things that never were and say why not"
Peace and Love