LOL...well maybe I didnt explain the difference (in my opinion) very well. To simplify....a guy who ALWAYs agrees with me and never tells me no or who will always give in if I push a little bit is a WIMP and WIERD. A guy who is romantic and does nice things for me to show his love isnt necessarily a wimp if he also has no problem voicing his opinion even when I disagree and isnt afraid to say no if he feels he should. For example, a guy I used to see would never say no when I wanted the point where he was racking up major debt! Me being a woman of course I love to shop (ok i'm a shopoholic) but that is the reason I would prefer a guy who can say 'wait a min we cant afford this or that'.
nice is good. wimpy is bad. bad boys are fun. a combination of all three would be cool!