Sassy has a good point. My lady friends tell me that I'm a great guy, then tell me they like me because I'm dangerous...whatever that means! Maverick
Do Nice Guys Really Finish Last?
by sandy 58 Replies latest social relationships
As if we could just pop in a formula, and all come out winners. Put on the right smile, trim up the right bod, say the right things, and BINGO, everybody wants me. I think rather that we all yearn to be real, and to have real people like us for who we are.
People I won't hire are the desperate ones, who tell me they would take any job. They will be anything I want them to be, just give them a JooooooB! First of all, why would I hire somebody that would take anybody? Second, what are they like and what do they really love to do? Sure, they could fake interest in the work for a few months, but can they hold out over the long haul?
So with jobs and partners, I figure it filters down to the same thing. Know who you are, figure out what you want, and talk to real people. If you both don't share the same dreams, you are not right for each other. Be brave, and say so.
Ok now, i do not mean to change the subject but..........
and if any dumb mexican guy at the congregation looks at my g/f in a sexual manner and tells her she looks really really good that nite, i'm going to throw my fist in his face as hard as i can because he is over 2x as old as me!
WTF! Maybe I am being overly sensitive here but this really bothered me.
Dustyb, I don't know why you threw in the word mexican to express your opinion. Is this post a joke?
As long as my priorities are in the following order, I never had to worry if I am nice guy or not...but never a whimp or a SNAG 1. Family-for obvious reasons. 2. Friends - will always be there when the gf leaves 3. Career - Financial Stability 4. girl friend - the icing on the cake. And yes, I DO finish the bedroom
. Friends - will always be there when the gf leaves
Interesting comment. The man I am involved with now is my best friend. I can't imagine being with someone who wasn't my friend first and foremost.
lol icing on the how special is that
Xena, What is the order of your priority?
I can answer that...
I must agree that there is a difference between being "nice" and being a "wimp." I can be kind of hard to handle sometimes and I appreciate a guy who doesnt let you walk all over them. Though it has been my experience lately that "nice" guys are hard to come by nowadays.
I think only retarded spineless women enjoying staying in idiotic relationships with men who treat them bad. Some women are addicted to this kind of lifestyle, and IMHO are not the best catches and therefore they deserve each other.
I beleive that for every "nice" guy out there, is a "nice" girl. Unfortunately sometimes you have to go through a few bad ones to find the right combination.
Thank you for your time...... Look for my new book on relationships to be released later this summer :)
I beleive that for every "nice" guy out there, is a "nice" girl.
praying to Jehovah you are not of that fold CHEVIES..
District Overbeer of the "bad one out there" class
Ok now, i do not mean to change the subject but..........
and if any dumb mexican guy at the congregation looks at my g/f in a sexual manner and tells her she looks really really good that nite, i'm going to throw my fist in his face as hard as i can because he is over 2x as old as me!
WTF! Maybe I am being overly sensitive here but this really bothered me.
Dustyb, I don't know why you threw in the word mexican to express your opinion. Is this post a joke?