wondering if anyone has seen it yet, and what the general consensus was around here. I saw it a week ago this coming monday, Overall i liked it, and didnt really see what the controvesy was, thought that the aramaic w/ english subtitles was a nice touch, cinematography was great, watching mary's griefmoved me a whole lot more than watching jesus get tortured, satan rocked visually, i especially enjoyed the fact that he was portrayed by a female, [that was not a comment to instigate the femenists on the board] though he had one too many hollywood moments, i really like the fact that jesus actually came across as arrogant, not the weakling he is always portrayed as during the easter season, he actually had some nads, and had something to say, that was cool, made him a lot more real in my eyes, after walking out of the theater though, i could only keep thinking to myself this was such a tragedy in the likes of HOMER, a hero bound for disaster, a legend told through the centuries, much like king arthur became a legend based on the events of a real man, im thinking the same must have happened with him, 80 flogs with bamboo into it i was thinking ENDORPHINES and ADRENALINE, yet it kept going into a second round, how he was able to walk after that and carry a cross, seemed a bit ludicrous, comments???
PASSION of the Christ
by myownsaviorthankyoumuch 60 Replies latest social entertainment
My son (17) just came home, and I could tell by his tone,,,,,,,something has been bothering him. I know since we left the borg 2 yrs ago he has not really addressed all the issues of being a JW , except thru anger, frustration. Basically over everything,,,,,,,,teens ya know. But ex jw teens have it even harder.
He was handling the mics, about to give talks at conventions,,,etc. etc. We left and it was his choice to walk away too,,,,,,,as we talked of all of this new info as a family. He said thank God!!!!!!!
He has gone about his life, in the last two years as a normal kid , normal teenage boy, almost a man now. But there always seems to be some underlying anger. My point is ,,,,,,,, I have told him I think some of it has been over issues he had as a JW and then having his own belief system rocked and he too lost his religion.
He was the kind of kid that would confess to me every single sinful thought he had. He tried so hard to please Jehovah .
Well, He saw the movie tonite.................and we talked for about 2 1/2 hours over his attitude about things,,etc. etc. and it got on the subject of religion, morals, rules, etc.
The movie really impressed him, but he still says he has his own beliefs which are too complicated for me to explain , but not at all like most of his friends , who just accept Jesus as they were taught. So he knows that he is a different from the Bible belt raised kids in our small town and always will be, because of our background and what he has wrestled with in his own mind.
Being a JW kid and his knowlegde he has too many unanswered questions about everything.
I was impressed that he didnt come home,,,,,,,with a new found ,,,,,,,all of a sudden I am going to church attitude.
He is a deep thinker and wants to read on his own, more about what the Bible says,,,,,,,,he is especially interested in the conflict with Satan and Jesus as the movie protrayed.
He asked what Bible to read from, and we gave him the New Testament, ASV.
I am glad that he is thinking this out on his own,,,,,,,and not letting anyone tell him how he should think. He told his history class, as it was a subject in the book, about Deism , that , he fits more in that catagory. Most kids didnt have an opinon one way or another in that class.
He and his g/f have had some major arguments over religion, and it bugs her that he doesnt go to church , but has so much more biblical knowledge than she does as a regular church attender.
She just has no clue about what being a JW was all about, how much study and time was involved.
He said it was one of the best movies he has seen in a long time, and Satan was creepy..... I thought he said Satan was a bald dude thou??????? I will ask him again.
He said it was graphic, actually he said it was scarey, as in give you the creeps , strange.But that it was well done, and as you said Jesus wasn,t whimpy like in all the other Jesus movies.
I am hoping to go see it tomorrow.
lyin...go see it. It's worth it. I saw it alone. And I'm going to let my 12 year old see it tomorrow. (He's very mature for his age, and I figure if he plays video games, and has seen Terminator, he can watch this movie)
When I left the theater, I saw girls sitting on the bathroom floor crying, and as I walked to my car, I saw guys on the sidewalk hugging their girlfriends, both crying. I loved it. No matter what you believe or don't believe, it's still a good movie. The message of this man, real or imagined, is still the way I try to live.....love thy neighbor as thyself. If everyone truly lived those words, there would be no war.
The part that made me cry was when Mary was remembering her son falling down as a little boy and hurting himself. As a mother, I felt what she felt. It was very moving.
I don't understand all the negative feedback. People let their kids see violent movies (and TV shows) all the time. They let them play graphic video games (Halo, Vice City, etc.), and yet they protest about this movie. How I hate hypocrisy!
OMG, I have heard two women say that already about that scene,,,,,,,, I will be bawling for sure.......I am beginning to think I like to cry........ You are right , regardless of what we believe to be true,,,,,,, it has been told to me it is a great movie,and the subtitles didnt detract at all,,,,,according to my son.
He got a free ticket because he g/f's church paid for everyone to go see it........good deal , except for the Simpson's like preacher at the end who felt the need to preach. My son,,,,,,,didnt like that at all .
I did ask Jake,,,,,,,,,,,what was the reaction at the end of the movie........final scene........was there crying? talking? people asking questions.......etc.
He said there was total SILENCE!!!!!!!! wow huh?
I am going to see this tomorrow. I will let you know how I take it all. I already know I am gonna cry, just about did as my son told me about, and seeing the expressions and feelings from his heart as he told me. And as you two ladies have told me tonite,,,,,,,I know I better take the kleenex.
Something weird,,,,,,,,,this is off topic, but while I was still a dub, I went to the Ripley's believe it or not , and the Wax museum in Dallas, and saw Jesus in Wax,,,,,,,,,he was standing with his hands out talking,,,,,,,,you could press a button and hear the Sermon on the Mount.
You even had a boulder to sit on........ everyone walked on by and I was alone there,,,,,,,,it was strange.....for just a moment I put myself right where I always wanted to be,,,,,,,,,at Jesus' feet listening to him. I didnt pretend it was real,,,,,,,,,,,but it was an amazing feeling,,,,,,,,to think what it must have been like to actually witness his Presense like that.
I still can't say for sure what I believe anymore..........but I probably believe the size of a mustage grain at least and I do feel something tender in my heart when i see a Cross,,,,,,,,( not a freakin stake either as the JW's say).
Whatever that movie does for some, or doesnt do,,,,,,,,,,, I can say,,,,,has made everyone , including Kurt Cobain loving teenage boys.(17 yr olds) ........into feeling strong emotions from this film.
My son read the Bible the first time in 2 yrs.............not to find the Lord so to speak,,,,,,,,,but just to compare notes on the movie and the Bible.......I will talk to him about what he read tomorrow and his thoughts.
You even had a boulder to sit on........ everyone walked on by and I was alone there,,,,,,,,it was strange.....for just a moment I put myself right where I always wanted to be,,,,,,,,,at Jesus' feet listening to him. I didnt pretend it was real,,,,,,,,,,,but it was an amazing feeling,,,,,,,,to think what it must have been like to actually witness his Presense like that.
lyin.....I know exactly what you mean. If Christ was even JUST an earthly man, the words he spoke cut right to what it is to be human. Love thy neighbor....do unto others....love thy enemy.......if those things were practiced, think how different the world would be. If I was Mary Magdelene, and had sat as his feet and heard those words, I would have followed him to the ends of the earth.
A man with no ego, no hatred, no wealth, not an evil bone in his body.....*sigh*.......
Let me know how you feel about the movie tomorrow.
Excellent movie. Well made, and worthy of Oscars, though I don't know if the industry will ignore it or not, though it will be difficult due to the enormous success.
I didn't think Satan looked like a girl, though I don't know who exactly played the part. I will see it again, I am sure.
For those debating, if you do see it, make sure you see it in the theater, as it won't nearly be the same on tv.
He is a deep thinker and wants to read on his own, more about what the Bible says,,,,,,,,he is especially interested in the conflict with Satan and Jesus as the movie protrayed.
Dede, if you ask me this is way better than him getting renewed zeal. He's had his belief system shocked (I shocked my own at his age) and instead of shutting down and not thinking about it...he is. I think that is pretty awesome.
Hopefully he will always continue to read and study whatever interests him. And thank god he has such an open-minded mom he can come talk to...
It's an excellent piece of Hollywood fiction.
Some people have said that the "Passion" was such a great movie that someone ought to write a book about it!
LOL Farkle,,,,,,,,,,good one.
I asked my son last night,,,,,,,,well how did the movie end????? my hubby laughs and says.....well Jesus died.
DOH,,,,,,, I had to explain that I wanted to know how the MOVIE protrayed the ending.......lol. Guess I should have worded that question differently.